Red Mars Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Mars Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sax's headquarters called?
(a) Acheron.
(b) Senzeni Nather.
(c) Echus Overlook.
(d) Etsu Okakura.

2. Who is disappointed terraforming will be negatively affected and believes the treaty will make no difference?
(a) Arkady.
(b) Frank.
(c) Sax.
(d) Nadia.

3. Where does Frank travel to find that Arkady is leading part of the revolution at Carr Crater?
(a) Death Star.
(b) Acheron.
(c) Nicosa.
(d) Bradbury.

4. Who is the head of the missing colonists that Simon discovers at the end of the book?
(a) Ann.
(b) Hiroko.
(c) Nadia.
(d) Arkady.

5. Who arrives and yanks Ann to her feet, angry at her attempt to commit suicide?
(a) Frank.
(b) John.
(c) Simon.
(d) Jezebel.

6. In what basin does Nadia see a sea of ice and water?
(a) Lee.
(b) Clark.
(c) Lucifer.
(d) Hellman.

7. After the celebration attended by many of the first hundred colonizers, John tells _____ he thinks her/his children are saboteurs.
(a) Sax.
(b) Frank.
(c) Maya.
(d) Hiroko.

8. As Arkady is walking to his office, he sees a hole appear in the tent above. What body part does he suddenly see ablaze?
(a) His leg.
(b) His torso.
(c) His arm.
(d) His head.

9. What lost group visited the Arab colony that occupies a new transnational mining site?
(a) Frank's.
(b) Jan's.
(c) Hiroko's.
(d) Ursula's.

10. Who realizes just how easy it is to sabotage Martian towns?
(a) Nadia.
(b) Arkady.
(c) John.
(d) Sax.

11. Who is involved in negotiations about giving up land on Mars for money?
(a) The Russians.
(b) The French.
(c) The Indians.
(d) The Germans.

12. When riots begin, what is taken in a hostile takeover?
(a) The immigrants.
(b) The elevator consortium.
(c) The exploration.
(d) The fighting.

13. Where does the surviving group of colonists take shelter days after Ann's suicide attempt?
(a) In a monastery.
(b) In a church.
(c) In a tomb.
(d) In a cavern.

14. What is Ann's son waiting for to take him away to safety from the cracked dome?
(a) A space convoy.
(b) A truck.
(c) A landing pad.
(d) An elevator.

15. When stock prices begin to fall, what does the elevator consortium slow down?
(a) Fighting.
(b) Terraforming.
(c) Exploration.
(d) Immigration.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is vital for continued economical and social existence on Earth?

2. Who are in the dining hall, watching the news as they hear of revolutions surrounding the new birth reduction acts on Earth?

3. What is raging beside the rover that is run aground?

4. Who is angry with Frank for rejecting her affection?

5. Who is John's son?

(see the answer keys)

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