Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dolarhyde drive Lounds?
(a) Dolarhyde's home
(b) The Tattler building
(c) Graham's home
(d) The home of the first victims

2. Who does Lounds ask for before he dies?
(a) Crawford
(b) Wendy
(c) The "Tooth Fairy"
(d) A priest

3. Where is Francis sent shortly after coming to live with his mother?
(a) A distant relatives
(b) A foster home
(c) Millitary school
(d) Boarding school

4. What does Lounds first believe to be in the thermos?
(a) Evidence from the murders
(b) Home made wine
(c) His lips
(d) His eyes

5. What information do Graham and the police decide to keep from the press?
(a) The broken mirrors and the child's eye being touched
(b) The fact that the killer believes himself to be deformed
(c) The dead pets and the killer posing as a utility worker
(d) The killer posing as an electrictian and the families having medical tests

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the police discover in regard to the license plate Lounds had memorized?

2. Why do they decide to let the note run as it is?

3. What is it that Graham found in Lecter's office that led him to the realization that Lecter was the killer that Graham had been looking for?

4. When Graham finds the tree the killer must have used, what two things does Graham find still in it?

5. Why does Dolarhyde explain to Lounds that he killed the families?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the response that Dolarhyde's stepbrothers and sisters have when he arrives.

2. In Chapter 18 what information does Bloom give Crawford, Graham, and the others, in reference to the killer, to use in the made-up story that Lounds was going to produce?

3. What is the first thing that Graham does when he arrives in Atlanta in Chapter 2?

4. Describe the ledger that Dolarhyde uses to put his newspaper clippings in in Chapter 11.

5. How is Dolarhyde's confrontation with the newspaper stand vendor different than what Dolarhyde would have done in the past?

6. What arrangement does Graham make with Lecter when he goes to visit Lecter in Chapter 7?

7. What is the thermos used for that Dolarhyde puts in Lounds' lap?

8. What happens that places Francis Dolarhyde in the army?

9. How does Dolarhyde change when he realizes that Reba is blind?

10. What is determined in regards to the new leads left by the killer from Lounds' murder?

(see the answer keys)

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