Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marian's mother do in order to keep from losing her house?
(a) Works at a hospital
(b) Takes in the sick and elderly
(c) Exotic dancing
(d) Cleans houses

2. What excuse does Dolarhyde say that he wants the infrared film for?
(a) To catch a garden animal on tape
(b) A party
(c) A zoo
(d) For the police

3. What reason do the police give to explain why the killer covered Mr. Leeds' body?
(a) The killer was like a rare fruitcake-extra nuts.
(b) The killer didn't want Mr. Leeds watching him
(c) The killer was related to Mr. Leeds
(d) The killer has homosexual tendencies

4. What does Lecter ask for after Graham is gone?
(a) A phone call
(b) A phone book
(c) An Ouija board
(d) A pen

5. Where is Francis sent shortly after coming to live with his mother?
(a) Millitary school
(b) A foster home
(c) Boarding school
(d) A distant relatives

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the police in Chicago accuse Graham of?

2. What does Graham manage to get from the Leeds' neighbor?

3. What does Francis' grandmother threaten to do when she hears that Francis was naked with a neighbor girl?

4. What does Dolarhyde find when the technician turns on the lights in the room?

5. Who had Graham been investigating just a year before Graham met his wife, Molly?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the thermos used for that Dolarhyde puts in Lounds' lap?

2. What does Dolarhyde say to Dr Lecter in reference to Graham on the toilet paper in Chapter 13?

3. How is Dolarhyde's confrontation with the newspaper stand vendor different than what Dolarhyde would have done in the past?

4. Describe the conversation Wendy and Graham have at Lounds' gravesite?

5. Describe Dr. Lecter's response to Dolarhyde that the police find in Chapter 14 and why they decide to run it rather than stop it.

6. What was Lounds' job when he first started at the Tattler as described in Chapter 16?

7. How does Dolarhyde change when he realizes that Reba is blind?

8. What is determined in regards to the new leads left by the killer from Lounds' murder?

9. What is odd about Dolarhyde's speech when he talks to Eileen in Chapter 9?

10. What does Lounds say in the recording before he dies at the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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