Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Dragon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason do the police give to explain why the killer covered Mr. Leeds' body?
(a) The killer was like a rare fruitcake-extra nuts.
(b) The killer didn't want Mr. Leeds watching him
(c) The killer was related to Mr. Leeds
(d) The killer has homosexual tendencies

2. What does Graham manage to get from the Leeds' neighbor?
(a) A video of the day the Leeds were killed
(b) A bundt cake
(c) A vague discription of the possible killer
(d) The Leeds' dog

3. When Graham finds the tree the killer must have used, what two things does Graham find still in it?
(a) A late light bill and a list of people to kill
(b) A symbol carved in the tree and a Hostess wrapper
(c) Coke can and a symbol carved in the tree
(d) Chewing gum and the killer's initials carved in the tree

4. What did Eileen's boyfriend make fun of at a party that Eileen apologizes for?
(a) Graham's colostomy bag
(b) Lecter's taste in patients
(c) Francis Dolarhyde's speech impediment
(d) Francis Dolarhyde's scar

5. What do the majority of the people at Lounds' funeral believe about Graham?
(a) Graham is glad that Lound is dead
(b) Graham is conspiring with the killer
(c) He intended for Lounds to be killed
(d) Graham wears a wig

6. What is Lecter told to sign his letter to the "Tooth Fairy" with?
(a) 666
(b) 999
(c) Annibalhay Ectorlay
(d) Your Mentor

7. What does Wendy say to Graham at the funeral?
(a) That she loves him
(b) That he is responsible for killing Lound
(c) Thanks him
(d) That he is a good man

8. What is Lounds able to memorize while he is bound and gagged?
(a) Dolarhyde's description
(b) Dolarhyde's cologne
(c) Dolarhyde's pay stub
(d) The van's license plate number

9. What does Graham find where the killer entered at the second victims' house?
(a) The bathroom window broken
(b) The garage door kicked in
(c) A circle cut in the glass door
(d) A blast hole in the south wall

10. What does Francis' stepbrother do to him when Francis comes to live with his mother?
(a) Beats him up
(b) Threatens to kill him
(c) Tells him he will get the sewing scissors
(d) Gives him a wedgie

11. What do the police in Chicago accuse Graham of?
(a) Not doing his job
(b) Making the police look incompetent
(c) Letting the killer slip through his fingers
(d) Setting Lounds up to die

12. Where is Francis sent shortly after coming to live with his mother?
(a) A distant relatives
(b) Millitary school
(c) Boarding school
(d) A foster home

13. Where does Freddy Lounds work?
(a) American's today
(b) Tattler tabloid
(c) The zoo
(d) People magazine

14. What does Graham teach Molly to do after he has her in a safe place?
(a) Shoot a gun
(b) Change her appearance
(c) Set the house alarm on high
(d) Hotwire a car

15. What information do Graham and the police decide to keep from the press?
(a) The dead pets and the killer posing as a utility worker
(b) The fact that the killer believes himself to be deformed
(c) The killer posing as an electrictian and the families having medical tests
(d) The broken mirrors and the child's eye being touched

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dolarhyde write the letter on?

2. What information does Graham get from Lounds' murder?

3. What does Dolarhyde write in his ledger with a copy of Freddie Lounds' article fabricated by Crawford and Graham?

4. What does Francis' grandmother tell him she will do if he ever wets the bed again?

5. What do the police discover in regard to the license plate Lounds had memorized?

(see the answer keys)

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