Recoil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Recoil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lila make Doc jealous?
(a) Lila eats whatever she wants.
(b) Lila flirts with other men.
(c) Lila wears revealing clothing.
(d) Lila spends too much time with her friends.

2. What job did Doc hold long ago?
(a) Professor of Psychology.
(b) Professor of Physics.
(c) Professor of Sociology.
(d) Professor of Philosophy.

3. Who peeks in on Pat and Lila in the bedroom?
(a) Senator Burkman.
(b) Doc.
(c) Willie.
(d) Madeline.

4. What does Lila Luther look like?
(a) Tall, slender, and blonde.
(b) Pale, statuesque, and freckly.
(c) Short, round, and brunette.
(d) Thin, with red hair, and glasses.

5. What does Pat realize at the end of Chapter 11?
(a) Madeline is in love with Doc.
(b) Someone has sneaked into the apartment.
(c) Madeline's apartment is messy.
(d) Doc has a twin.

6. Where does Pat visit Madeline in Chapter 11?
(a) At Pat's apartment.
(b) At a coffee shop.
(c) At Madeline's apartment.
(d) The Capitol building.

7. What does Hardesty tell Pat about the nature of Doc's plan?
(a) It will involve a sensational disclosure to the media.
(b) It will cost a great deal of money to carry out.
(c) It will make international news.
(d) Doc has been planning it for a decade.

8. How old is Pat?
(a) Forty-one years old.
(b) Thirty-nine years old.
(c) Thirty-three years old.
(d) Twenty-seven years old.

9. Where is the job Senator Burkman promises for Pat?
(a) Highway Commission.
(b) Waste Management.
(c) Water Works.
(d) Parks and Recreation.

10. What does Pat do to Lila in Chapter 15?
(a) Pat fixes her hair.
(b) Pat pushes Lila out of the room.
(c) Pat flirts with Lila.
(d) Pat slaps Lila.

11. What does Pat give to the parole officer who sneaks into Madeline's apartment ?
(a) His shirt.
(b) Money.
(c) A watch.
(d) A severe beating.

12. Who is Willie?
(a) A servant.
(b) The neighbor.
(c) Another tenant.
(d) The mailman.

13. What did Doc steal from the school safe?
(a) Bake sale profits.
(b) Tuition receipts.
(c) Property deeds.
(d) Scholarship money.

14. Who did Pat have a conversation with outside the bank?
(a) The police chief.
(b) The town judge.
(c) The bank manager.
(d) Pat's mother.

15. What happens between Pat and Madeline at Doc's car?
(a) They kiss.
(b) They exchange phone numbers.
(c) They wait for Doc.
(d) They tussle.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what reason does Doc argue with the man in Chapter 4?

2. What does Myrtle question Pat about?

3. How does Myrtle feel about Doc?

4. Which description best suits Doc?

5. What do Pat and Madeline promise to do?

(see the answer keys)

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