Recoil Character Descriptions

James Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Recoil Character Descriptions

James Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Patrick (Pat) M. Cosgrove (AKA, Red, Airplane Red)

This character's nickname is "Airplane Red."

Doctor (Doc) Roland Luther

This character's physical description includes bulging eyes, thick glasses, and protruding teeth.

Lila Luther

This character accidentally killed her husband by giving him too much medicine.

Madeline Cosgrove nee Luther nee Flournoy

The protagonist describes this character as a heart-stopping beauty, with brown eyes, a small straight nose, shoulder-length brown hair, and a mature, shapely, and "forever young" looking body.

Myrtle Briscoe

This character is the elected state commissioner of corrections.

William (Bill) Hardesty

This character is a corrupt lawyer.

Yancey L. Fish

This character is the warden of Sandstone State Reformatory.

Louise Clements Clay

This character is a governor of a state, which includes Capitol City.

Senator Burkman

This character is a State Senator.

Willie and Henry

These characters are servants and brothers.

Fanning Arnholt

This character is the...

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