Reckless Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Hawkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Reckless Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Hawkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the two girls Lux meets in Chapter Three say they originally met?
(a) Through friends.
(b) College.
(c) They do not remember.
(d) Grief counseling.

2. What does Lux think of the island at first sight?
(a) It is dingy.
(b) It is beautiful.
(c) It is barren.
(d) Everything looks purple on it.

3. What startles Lux about Eliza?
(a) How sick she is.
(b) How funny she is.
(c) How casual she is being nude before them.
(d) How rude she is.

4. What does a red sky in the morning mean for sailors in an old saying?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Bad weather ahead.
(c) Good weather ahead.
(d) Sailors will see a lot of sea turtles on the trip.

5. What is the boat called that Lux wants to sail on around the world?
(a) The Riley.
(b) The Bentencourt.
(c) The Lux.
(d) The Susannah.

6. Who is the only one not to cheer at Jake's toast?
(a) Amma.
(b) Brittany.
(c) Ricky.
(d) Helen.

7. What does Lux find in the jungle that startles her?
(a) A new living person.
(b) A ring.
(c) A lizard.
(d) A skull.

8. Why does Lux get fired in Chapter One?
(a) For being drunk on the job.
(b) For making fun of guests at the hotel.
(c) For eating too much.
(d) For stealing.

9. Who does Nico remind Lux of unpleasantly as he talks to his ex-girlfriend?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her ex-boyfriend.
(d) Her son.

10. What does Brittany remember about her last conversation with her mother?
(a) Her mother's joy.
(b) Her mother's fear.
(c) Her mother's suspicion.
(d) Her mother's disappointment.

11. What does Nico use to clear their way in the jungle?
(a) A chainsaw.
(b) A machete.
(c) His hands.
(d) His small knife.

12. What is the name of the other boat docked at the island?
(a) Report.
(b) Azure Sky.
(c) Helios.
(d) Flinging.

13. Where does Lux want to go with Nico early in Part II?
(a) Thailand.
(b) Maui.
(c) Alaska.
(d) Nebraska.

14. What scares Amma and Lux when they swim?
(a) A shark.
(b) A dolphin.
(c) A turtle.
(d) A sting ray.

15. What does Lux suspect the voyage might end in in Chapter Four?
(a) Some weird sex thing.
(b) Joy.
(c) More money.
(d) Tears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lux say she and her boyfriend should demand before taking the job in Chapter Four?

2. What does Jake toast to the first night on the island?

3. What does Lux's boyfriend tell her she cannot take on the boat?

4. What is clipping Lux to the ship in Chapter Seven?

5. Where do Lux and her boyfriend live?

(see the answer keys)

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