Recapitulation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Recapitulation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Bruce anxious to leave Nola's sister's wedding?
(a) To get away from her crazy relatives.
(b) To spend the night with Nola.
(c) To change into comfortable clothes.
(d) To get back to school.

2. Who interrupts Bruce and Nola during the activity in #104?
(a) Joe.
(b) Bruce's father.
(c) JJ.
(d) Chet.

3. Whose wedding to Bruce and Nola plan to attend?
(a) Chet's.
(b) Jim's.
(c) Nola's sister's.
(d) Joe's.

4. Why did Bailey conspire to make Nola lose at the card game?
(a) He wanted to teach her a lesson.
(b) He wanted to show her who was boss.
(c) He wanted to humiliate her.
(d) He wanted to see her naked.

5. With whom did Nola eventually run away?
(a) Bruce.
(b) Joe.
(c) Chet.
(d) Bailey.

6. What disease had stricken Bruce's brother?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Heart Disease.
(d) Diabetes.

7. What does Bruce recall about the Mulder family?
(a) They were strict Catholics.
(b) They were good and respectable.
(c) They were itinerant.
(d) They were very poor.

8. How had Bruce viewed Joe's father when Bruce was a boy?
(a) As an average guy.
(b) As a bum.
(c) As unattainable.
(d) As a hero.

9. Who had written the letter Bruce picks out of the box?
(a) Bruce.
(b) Chet.
(c) Mrs. Mason.
(d) Nola.

10. What does Bruce suspect is the reason Nola did not want to make love at the cabin?
(a) She was attracted to Bailey.
(b) She wanted to wait for a special time.
(c) She wanted a nicer environment than the cabin.
(d) She didn't want him to think she was easy.

11. What religion did Nola's family practice?
(a) Presbyterian.
(b) Mormon.
(c) Jewish.
(d) Catholic.

12. What was the reason Nola ran off with the person in #158?
(a) To get married.
(b) To travel before settling down.
(c) To make him her singing partner.
(d) To enter a dance contest.

13. Why did Joe once shove Bailey into a trash can?
(a) For kissing his sister.
(b) For breaking his new ball bat.
(c) For hitting on the girlfriend of the tennis club manager.
(d) For squealing on him about test answers.

14. In what field would Bruce be continuing his education?
(a) Engineering.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Law.
(d) Medicine.

15. What does Mature Bruce think that Nola would not have appreciated?
(a) Touring Europe.
(b) Champagne.
(c) The books he loaned her.
(d) Fine jewelry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bruce realizes the box was not packed by Aunt Margaret but had been returned to him from _______________.

2. Why was Bruce reluctant to leave his mother at home while he went to the prom?

3. What does Nola say when Bruce asks her to marry him?

4. Nola's family could be called ___________.

5. Why was Chet's annulled marriage renewed?

(see the answer keys)

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