Recapitulation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Recapitulation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose home does Bruce walk to in Part 2, Chapter 1?
(a) The Sandersons.
(b) The Clarks.
(c) The Morgans.
(d) The Mulders.

2. What does Mature Bruce think of Nola now?
(a) She was heartless.
(b) She was the love of his life.
(c) She was brilliant in every way.
(d) She was an uneducated woman.

3. What was the nature of the relationship between Bruce and the person in #105?
(a) Spiteful.
(b) Congenial.
(c) Sparring.
(d) Nonexistent.

4. What did Bruce and the girl in #103 do during the intermission at the dance?
(a) Visited Bruce's mother.
(b) Kissed in his car.
(c) Went out for beer.
(d) Strolled in the moonlight.

5. Whose wedding to Bruce and Nola plan to attend?
(a) Joe's.
(b) Chet's.
(c) Jim's.
(d) Nola's sister's.

6. Why did Joe once shove Bailey into a trash can?
(a) For breaking his new ball bat.
(b) For hitting on the girlfriend of the tennis club manager.
(c) For kissing his sister.
(d) For squealing on him about test answers.

7. Why had Nola's sister married her new husband?
(a) She is a woman who can't be without a man.
(b) To help her care for the children of her first marriage.
(c) She wanted to marry into money.
(d) She fell instantly in love with him.

8. Why do Bruce and Nola not make love during the weekend at the cabin?
(a) Nola was angry at Bruce.
(b) Nola had her menstrual period.
(c) They didn't have enough privacy.
(d) Bruce was upset that Nola flirted with Bailey.

9. What does Bruce suspect is the reason Nola did not want to make love at the cabin?
(a) She was attracted to Bailey.
(b) She wanted to wait for a special time.
(c) She wanted a nicer environment than the cabin.
(d) She didn't want him to think she was easy.

10. What card game did the couples play at the cabin in the woods?
(a) Euchre.
(b) Blackjack.
(c) Pinochle.
(d) Strip poker.

11. Where had Bruce spent his career as a diplomat?
(a) South America.
(b) China.
(c) The Middle East.
(d) Africa.

12. How was Nola during Bruce's home visit in January?
(a) Sullen.
(b) Desperate for him.
(c) Nonchalant.
(d) Overjoyed.

13. Why did Nola not lose at the card game?
(a) The game broke up suddenly.
(b) Nola was much better than Bailey thought.
(c) Bruce cheated to help her.
(d) She was a clever player.

14. Why didn't Nola want to leave the cabin early?
(a) She needed the time away from the city.
(b) She wanted to stay for the sunset.
(c) Bailey and his girlfriend would not have a ride home.
(d) It was getting dark.

15. The only two members of Nola's family that Bruce likes are her brother and ____________.
(a) Father.
(b) Sister.
(c) Mother.
(d) Aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bruce recalls that he had gone home in January for what reason?

2. What does Bruce recall about himself as a youth?

3. With whom did Nola eventually run away?

4. In what field would Bruce be continuing his education?

5. What does Mature Bruce think that Nola would not have appreciated?

(see the answer keys)

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