Rebellion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rebellion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brigham ask Prince Charles permission to do?
(a) Get married to Serena at Holyrood.
(b) To use the Prince's chambers that night.
(c) To be able to take Serena home to be married.
(d) To be his best man.

2. Who exercises privileges by claiming a dance with Serena?
(a) Ian.
(b) Brigham.
(c) Coll.
(d) Prince Charles.

3. What does Ian MacGregor tell Serena before the wedding?
(a) I hope you are as happy as your mother and I are.
(b) Make me a happy grandfather.
(c) She takes her husbands name, but she always is a MacGregor.
(d) Always listen to your husband and you are happy.

4. How does the duel between Bringham and the Colonel end?
(a) Standish is dead and Brigham doesn't have a mark on him.
(b) Brigham is wounded and Standish runs away.
(c) Brigham is wounded, but Standish is dead.
(d) Brigham is nearly killed and concedes.

5. In Chapter Eleven, why does Fiona ask Serena to sit down?
(a) She is upset because Serena is keeping secrets.
(b) She has a problem and wants to talk to Serena about it.
(c) She is angry because Serena is neglecting her chores.
(d) She senses there is something wrong with Serena and wants to talk about it.

6. When Brigham talks about their being together after the war, how does Serena respond?
(a) She doesn't want to leave her family.
(b) She doesn't love him enough.
(c) She doesn't shame her family.
(d) She doesn't want to live in London.

7. What news does Brigham have for Serena after he comes to their room and finds her crying in Chapter 13?
(a) She can stay at Holyrood, but the men are leaving for London.
(b) She must leave the next day because they are going to march to London.
(c) She must leave the next day because it's time for the men to begin planning their next attack.
(d) He isn't feeling well and wants to rest.

8. What does Serena do when Brigham leaves for London the following morning?
(a) She says good riddance.
(b) She cries from a broken heart.
(c) She tells her father she wants to be a nun.
(d) She tells her mother to intervien on her behalf so she doesn't have to marry Brigham.

9. In Chapter Nine when Serena is out riding, what is she thinking Brigham does after the war?
(a) Find another woman.
(b) Return to her.
(c) Return to London.
(d) Travel abroad.

10. What is wrong with Maggie's baby?
(a) The baby needs to be delivered by C-section.
(b) The baby stops moving.
(c) The baby is breach.
(d) Nothing.

11. Why does Brigham remember the name Colonel Standish?
(a) He is a neighbor he dislikes.
(b) He is an old friend.
(c) He is the man who rapes Fiona.
(d) He fights against him before.

12. What does Serena do when she hears about the duel?
(a) She cries because Brigham is hurt.
(b) She cheers that Standish is dead.
(c) She doesn't do anything.
(d) She agrees to marry Brigham.

13. What does Commander O'Sullivan have to say about a battle at Drumossie Moor?
(a) That he feels it is a perfect day for a battle.
(b) That they are considered cowards if they turn back again.
(c) The Highlanders prove themselves capable warriors.
(d) The Highlanders fight and win any place.

14. What does Brigham tell Malcolm when the boy is unhappy because he cannot go to war with the men?
(a) He is needed at home to help protect the women.
(b) He is foolish to think such a thing.
(c) He can go if he proves his ability with a claymore.
(d) He'll be old enough to fight in the next war.

15. As they marched to war, what is Brigham thinking about the men?
(a) They don't think about mortality, but of victory and justice too long denied.
(b) Their spirits are high.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) All it takes to bring them together is the energy and force of the Prince.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brigham say in the morning as he looks out over Drumossie Moor?

2. After Serena goes to Brigham's room, what does Brigham say to assure Serena of his feelings for her?

3. Who removes the bullet from Brigham?

4. Why does Brigham want the duel the Colonel?

5. What happens when Serena asks Brigham to make love with her?

(see the answer keys)

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