Reaper Man Test | Final Test - Easy

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Reaper Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gives Bill Door some sand from their lifetimer after his empties?
(a) Windle Poons.
(b) Miss Flitworth.
(c) Azrael.
(d) Reg Shoe.

2. What is everyone in town amazed at when they see the combination harvester work for the first time?
(a) That it is shiny.
(b) How loud it is.
(c) How quickly it reaps corn.
(d) How quiet it is.

3. Who prepares a séance?
(a) Ludmilla.
(b) Azreal.
(c) Mrs. Cake.
(d) Miss Flitworth.

4. Who is injured in the library when trolleys escape?
(a) Lupine.
(b) Reg Shoe.
(c) Windle Poons.
(d) Modo.

5. Who predicts Windle Poons' death in a letter given to him near the end of the book?
(a) Miss Flitworth.
(b) Ixolite.
(c) Ludmilla.
(d) Azrael.

6. What does Bill Door tell Miss Flitworth that borrowed time is when he tells her he is also living on it?
(a) Exciting.
(b) Uncommon.
(c) Fairly common.
(d) Scary.

7. Who is Miss Flitworth reunited with after she dies?
(a) Bob.
(b) Sam.
(c) Rufus.
(d) Joe.

8. Who does Death travel to the center of the universe to consult near the end of the book?
(a) The Archchancellor.
(b) The Auditors.
(c) The Dean.
(d) Azreal.

9. Who does Bill Door tell Miss Flitworth to remind him owes him money before going to fight Death?
(a) Mrs. Cake.
(b) Ned Simnel.
(c) Arthur.
(d) Albert.

10. What does the new incarnation of Death wear that angers Bill Door?
(a) Bracelets.
(b) A necklace.
(c) Rings.
(d) A crown.

11. How long is Mrs. Cake's precognition that she turns off in the book?
(a) 20 seconds.
(b) 1 minute.
(c) 10 seconds.
(d) 2 minutes.

12. Who retrieves a black disc from the ceiling?
(a) Albert.
(b) Reg Shoe.
(c) Windle Poons.
(d) Arthur.

13. What stage does One-Man-Bucket say the eggs are in when they create more cities?
(a) Fractured.
(b) Active.
(c) Alive.
(d) Mobile.

14. Where does Death visit to find a gemstone to give to Miss Flitworth?
(a) Greenland.
(b) Howandaland.
(c) Hades.
(d) Iceland.

15. Who does Windle Poons ask Mrs. Cake to look after for him when he is ready to die?
(a) Albert.
(b) Modo.
(c) The Dean.
(d) Lupine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal works as the university librarian?

2. What kind of alcohol casks cause the barn that Bill Door was staying in to blow up?

3. What is the name of the world's largest diamond in the book?

4. What kind of music begins playing from inside the pyramid?

5. What is the name of the invention the town blacksmith creates and shows to Bill Door and Miss Flitworth?

(see the answer keys)

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