Ready Player One Test | Final Test - Medium

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Ready Player One Test | Final Test - Medium

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Shoto's real name, according to his IOI file?
(a) Akemi Kanda.
(b) Jack Burton.
(c) Akihide Karatsu.
(d) Ai Aiura.

2. What is the salary that Wade will earn in the indentured servant program in Chapter 29?
(a) $45,000/year.
(b) $23,500/year.
(c) $28,500/year.
(d) $54,000/year.

3. What is Wade's score on the Scoreboard in Chapter 21?
(a) 125,000.
(b) 150,000.
(c) 122,000.
(d) 110,000.

4. What avatar appears during Wade's meeting with Art3mis, Aech, and Shoto in Chapter 32?
(a) Avaril.
(b) Igby.
(c) Og.
(d) Anorak.

5. How is Daito's folder described in Chapter 30?
(a) It is covered in black ink.
(b) It is blue and white.
(c) It has a red X over it.
(d) It is translucent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What late-60s Japanese TV show does the narrator cite in Chapter 17?

2. What is Shoto's vessel said to be modeled after in Chapter 25?

3. What is the one item in Wade's inventory after he has been granted an extra life in Chapter 36?

4. What is the first artifact that Wade discovers outside of the gate in Chapter 36?

5. What late-80s TV show about a teenage hacker does the narrator describe in Chapter 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Wade respond when Sorrento appears on the scoreboard in Chapter 24?

2. How does Wade escape the habitat at IOI in Chapter 31?

3. How does Wade ultimately overcome Sorrento in Chapter 34?

4. How does Wade escape his anklet and ear cam at IOI in Chapter 31?

5. What does Og relate to Wade regarding his falling out with Halliday in Chapter 33?

6. What does Wade do to protect himself after escaping IOI in Chapter 31?

7. How do you think Wade will handle his responsibilities bestowed at the end of the novel?

8. What leads Wade to re-devote himself to the hunt in Chapter 20?

9. Where does Wade meet his friends in Chapter 32? What plan do they form?

10. What does Wade encounter on the planet Archaide in Chapter 22?

(see the answer keys)

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