Ready Player One Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Ready Player One Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much is James Halliday's entire fortune estimated to be at the time of his death?
(a) $400 billion.
(b) $240 billion.
(c) $530 million.
(d) $100 billion.

2. What reward does Wade attain for beating his opponent at "Joust" in Chapter 8?
(a) The Crystal Key.
(b) The Jade Key.
(c) The Copper Key.
(d) The Silver Key.

3. What is Wade's level in OASIS in Chapter 9?
(a) 80th Level Warrior.
(b) 15th Level Warrior.
(c) 10th Level Warrior.
(d) 52nd Level Warrior/Mage.

4. What is described in Chapter 16 as the "highly exclusive illegal data-auction site" in OASIS?
(a) Zurich University.
(b) The Silk Road.
(c) The L33t Hax0rz.
(d) The MIT Cross.

5. About how large is the planet Ludus described as being in Chapter 7?
(a) About the size of the Earth's moon.
(b) About 1/3 the size of the Earth's moon.
(c) About 3 times the size of the Earth's moon.
(d) About 2 times the size of the Earth's moon.

6. Who is described as "the Sixers' infamous leader" in Chapter 13?
(a) Nolan Sorrento.
(b) Ogden Morrow.
(c) Edgar Nash.
(d) James Halliday.

7. What is the title of the short film that Halliday released as a video message upon his death?
(a) "Anorak's Invitation."
(b) "IOI."
(c) "Anorak's Almanac."
(d) "OASIS."

8. What is the name of Wade's aunt's boyfriend in Chapter 1?
(a) Roger.
(b) Rick.
(c) Jack.
(d) George.

9. What does Wade's credit counter change to after he's deposited the coins found in the Chapel of Evil in Chapter 8?
(a) Over 50,000.
(b) About 10,000.
(c) Over 20,000.
(d) About 4,000.

10. What is the name of the planet created for the OASIS public schools to move to in Chapter 16?
(a) Concos.
(b) Laphraim.
(c) Ludus II.
(d) Exeter.

11. Who is the "middle-aged intellectual expert" that Wade watches explaining the scores on the news in the beginning of Chapter 12?
(a) James Halliday.
(b) Richard Wilson.
(c) Edgar Nash.
(d) Mark Anderson.

12. What is James Halliday's middle name?
(a) Warren.
(b) William.
(c) Michael.
(d) Donovan.

13. What old television show does Wade describe as his most-watched from Halliday's favorites in Chapter 1?
(a) "Cheers."
(b) "The Newhart Show."
(c) "Family Ties."
(d) "Mork & Mindy."

14. In the funeral scene from James Halliday's video release upon his death, what film is actually shown?
(a) "Heathers."
(b) "George Hill."
(c) "To Have and Have Not."
(d) "Better Off Dead."

15. What term is used from Dungeons & Dragons lingo to refer to "an undead creature, usually and incredibly powerful wizard or king who had employed dark magic to bind his intellect to his own reanimated corpse" in the novel?
(a) A gunter.
(b) A rabbit.
(c) A lich.
(d) A moogle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Art3mis's score after defeating the "Joust" game in OASIS?

2. What is Aech's score in the beginning of Chapter 13 after attaining the Bronze Key?

3. Who is the first of the authors described in the "entire recommended gunter reading list" described by Wade in Chapter 6?

4. Who announces to Wade and his friends that the Sixers have already located the entrance to the Tomb of Horrors in Chapter 15?

5. Where is Aech when he calls Wade in the morning in the beginning of Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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