Ready Player One Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Ready Player One Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Ernest Cline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Level Three: Chapters 28-33.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the four giggest gunter clans that offer invitation to Wade to join them in Chapter 13?
(a) Team White, Team Blue, the Gunter Clan, and the Dungeon Masters.
(b) The Oviraptors, Clan Destiny, the Key Masters, and Team Banzai.
(c) The Greenies, the Masters of Marvel, Clan of Tomorrow, and Team Sixers.
(d) The Adriatics, the Clan of Determination, Clan Willing, and Team Rockstar.

2. What is the file-sharing program used by gunters around the world that Wade describes in Chapter 6?
(a) Walter's Blacksmith Shop.
(b) PCtorrent.
(c) The Silk Road.
(d) Guntorrent.

3. How many copies of the same email have IOI sent to Wade in Chapter 13?
(a) Over 20,000.
(b) About 2,000.
(c) Over 10,000.
(d) Over 5,000.

4. How much money does IOI offer Wade in exchange for a walkthrough up to the First Gate in Chapter 14?
(a) $8 milliion.
(b) $2 million.
(c) $60 million.
(d) $5 million.

5. How does Wade get access to the area where the cave indicating the Tomb of Horrors is in Chapter 7?
(a) He steals a teleportation voucher from school.
(b) He asks his parents for a teleportation voucher.
(c) He collects a free teleportation voucher from school.
(d) He drives a car.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the Dungeons & Dragons supplement "Tomb of Horrors" published?

2. What 1971 George Lucas film is described by the narrator in Chapter 29?

3. What did the Sixers plant in the stacks to make the explosion of Wade's home look accidental?

4. Who was Ogden Morrow's high school sweetheart?

5. What disguise does Wade don in Chapter 31?

(see the answer key)

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