Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1: Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What symbol does Nafisi think of when she thinks of Lolita?
(a) A butterfly pinned to the wall.
(b) A school report card.
(c) A school uniform.
(d) A helpless little girl.

2. Why does Nafisi return to the two photographs of her students in Chapter 7?
(a) She wants to show how her students are the same people regardless of how they dress.
(b) The photographs are evidence that literature is more powerful than clothing.
(c) The photographs show how much her students changed after they studied literature.
(d) The images show the contrast between the repression of the outside world and the individuality and freedom allowed in the apartment.

3. What does Nafisi see reflected in the mirror?
(a) Her husband.
(b) Mountains.
(c) Her students.
(d) A hospital.

4. What are the biggest threats to an idealized vision of an individual or a country?
(a) Interactions between men and women.
(b) Goals for the present government.
(c) The memory of what was real in the past and a sense of imagination about future possibilities.
(d) The use of literature as a teaching tool.

5. How do the Iranian authorities view the country's past?
(a) The Iranian leaders see the country's past as an example for other societies.
(b) Iran's past is used as a foundation for the development of a more modern society.
(c) The past is irrelevant to the leaders who want to establish a perfect Koranic society.
(d) Iran's past is considered important in the development of a perfect Koranic society.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Nafisi consider Humbert, Lolita's molester, such a frightening character?

2. What object does Nafisi refer to when she first describes the students in her study group?

3. What would happen if the "Blood of God" militia saw a girl with nail polish or a strand of loose hair?

4. What is the main reason for Nafisi's resignation from the University of Tehran?

5. Why do the students meet in Nafisi's apartment?

(see the answer key)

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