The Razor's Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Razor's Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In her note, what does Isabel say has happened?
(a) Something terrible
(b) Something unbelievable
(c) Something strange
(d) Someting very funny

2. Who comes instead of the local bishop?
(a) The president
(b) The cardinal
(c) The pope
(d) The bishop

3. What is Hakim's?
(a) A brothel
(b) A disco
(c) An opium parlor
(d) A cafe

4. Who leaves Maugham a note at his hotel?
(a) Larry
(b) Suzanne
(c) Sophie
(d) Isabel

5. Who does Maugham call when it becomes clear that Elliott is near to death?
(a) The doctor
(b) The local priest
(c) His sister
(d) The local bishop

6. Where does Larry stay during the spring?
(a) A French village
(b) Marseille
(c) An Indian village
(d) Lens

7. What is Suzanne's surname?
(a) Sarandon
(b) Loom
(c) Rovier
(d) Maugham

8. What is the name of Elliott's manservant?
(a) Joseph
(b) Jacques
(c) Frederick
(d) Jack

9. Where does Elliott say he should have never left?
(a) Chicago
(b) Paris
(c) America
(d) India

10. How many days after Isabel's meeting with Maugham does she invite Larry and Sophie for lunch?
(a) Three days
(b) Six days
(c) Four days
(d) Two days

11. In what country does Gray start looking for work?
(a) Germany
(b) India
(c) America
(d) England

12. How many weeks later does Maugham meet Elliott in London?
(a) Four weeks
(b) Two weeks
(c) Three weeks
(d) One week

13. Who does Maugham visit at the Riviera?
(a) Gray
(b) Larry
(c) Isabel
(d) Elliott

14. Where does Maugham go to work on his novel?
(a) Paris
(b) London
(c) Chicago
(d) The Riviera

15. Where have the police found Sophie's body?
(a) In the harbor
(b) In the lake
(c) In a factory
(d) In the bar toilets

Short Answer Questions

1. What city in Spain does Larry visit?

2. In what city does Gray want to set up his business?

3. What does he order Elliott not to do?

4. What does Sophie say she drinks in Isabel's apartment?

5. Why does Isabel plant the vodka?

(see the answer keys)

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