Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Medium

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Medium

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Steve and Allison plan on keeping their relationship going when they leave for college?
(a) Will come home once a month.
(b) Writing letters often.
(c) Lots of phone alls.
(d) They will see other people.

2. What did the astronaut have to say when he got home?
(a) "Its okay that Wanda is here."
(b) "No girls upstairs in your room. It's inappropriate."
(c) "How was your Christmas vacation?"
(d) "Welcome home, son."

3. What term did Dub use to describe herself in the writing assignment?
(a) "Charming."
(b) "Irresistible."
(c) "Cynic."
(d) "Homebody."

4. How many points above Steve's score did Allison make on the SATs?
(a) Ten points higher.
(b) Thirty points higher.
(c) Twenty points higher.
(d) One hundred points higher.

5. Allison was declined to what college?
(a) Harvard.
(b) John Brown .
(c) Princeton.
(d) MIT.

Short Answer Questions

1. What became of the GOD club after the talent show?

2. Who held a Christmas party at his house when school let out?

3. What event is the GOD's group going to enter?

4. For what occasion did Steve fly back to Texas to be with Dub?

5. Dub's older sister attends what college?

Short Essay Questions

1. Since beginning the essay for Mr.DeMouy, Steve has only used drugs once. What happened to cause Steve to resort back to getting high to deal with his emotions the second time?

2. When Steve turns in the last of his essay what do he and Mr. DeMouy talk about?

3. What has Allison and Steve's relationship evolved into at the end of the story?

4. What does Steve tell Dub about the relationship between him and his father?

5. As a show of pride for his father, what does Steve do first when he arrives in Yakima?

6. Describe the scene in Houston, Sophomore Year (pp. 139-142) when the GOD group goes for a spring break party?

7. A month before graduation Steve calls his father for what reason?

8. During his junior year, Steve won what award and who went with him to get it?

9. What is it that Steve discovers at the senior assembly after Mr. DeMouy talks?

10. What happens the summer before his junior year Steve flies back to Texas for his birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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