Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rats Saw God Test | Final Test - Easy

Rob Thomas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Steve feel so forlorn on the last day of school his sophomore year?
(a) He did not want to leave his job at the Cineplex.
(b) He was not looking forward to leaving his father .
(c) He was not looking forward to three months in San Diego away from Dub..
(d) He did not want to see his sister.

2. What was the most embarrassing thing about the awards banquet to Steve?
(a) When he knocked over his water glass.
(b) When they read his essay out loud.
(c) When they took his picture.
(d) When they introduced his mother.

3. Why did Steve never get caught when he quit going to creative writing class?
(a) He dropped the class.
(b) Mr.Waters did not take roll.
(c) Mr.Waters did not want Steve in class.
(d) He worked late and missed it.

4. How did Steve and Allison plan on keeping their relationship going when they leave for college?
(a) Will come home once a month.
(b) They will see other people.
(c) Lots of phone alls.
(d) Writing letters often.

5. What did Steve tell the waitress in Cap's he was majoring in?
(a) German Lit.
(b) Sociology.
(c) Psychology.
(d) Anatomy.

6. The astronaut called to congratulate Steve for what?
(a) Being a National Merit Finalist.
(b) Getting into a good college.
(c) Being in the homecoming parade.
(d) Getting a new car.

7. How did Steve get to San Diego?
(a) He drove.
(b) He hitchhiked.
(c) He took a bus.
(d) He flew.

8. What did Steve's mom tell him before they left for the concert?
(a) "I was worried for nothing"
(b) "Keep an eye out for your sister."
(c) "What a nice boy he is."
(d) "Don't drink and drive."

9. What became of the GOD club after the talent show?
(a) The principal wanted permission to make DVDs of their preformance.
(b) The principal told them all to go to detention.
(c) The principal dissolved it.
(d) The principal complimented them on their preformance.

10. What did the astronaut have to say when he got home?
(a) "Welcome home, son."
(b) "No girls upstairs in your room. It's inappropriate."
(c) "Its okay that Wanda is here."
(d) "How was your Christmas vacation?"

11. During the graduation prep assembly, what got the students' attention?
(a) Not being able to go to lunch until done with the assembly.
(b) The whistle of the coach.
(c) The lunch bell.
(d) The principal yelling and screaming.

12. Who do Allison and Steve double date with often?
(a) Cindy and Chuck.
(b) Allan and Lorie.
(c) Veg and Missy.
(d) Sarah and Danny.

13. Allison Kimble chose what college?
(a) Stanford.
(b) Cal Berekley.
(c) Auburn.
(d) Harvard.

14. What did Dub call Steve in Geometry class?
(a) Her boyfriend.
(b) Her fellow.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her comrade.

15. Dub's older sister attends what college?
(a) LSU.
(b) Brigham Young.
(c) Rice.
(d) UT Austin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Danny, Sarah's boyfriend, look like?

2. Where did Steve and Dub spend Spring Break their Sophomore year?

3. Who showed up to the party with a date?

4. What disbanded in their junior year?

5. What did GOD have to provide to be recognized as a school club?

(see the answer keys)

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