Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who goes to tell Bharata that Rama is coming?
2. Who tells the monkeys where Sita is?
3. How many times does this character plead with Ravana?
4. What is the first thing Ravana thinks about each morning?
5. What does Ravana say he will do, if Sita will be his?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens to Queen Mandodari after Ravana’s death?
2. How do Rama and Samudra and Ocean Lord resolve the question of the bridge to Lanka?
3. How is Indrajit killed?
4. Describe the chariot Pushpaka.
5. What advice does Khumbakarna give Ravana before he goes to fight?
6. How is Ravana killed?
7. What is the outcome of Ravana’s conversation with time?
8. Describe the Rakshasis Hanuman sees when he is searching Lanka.
9. Describe the treasure room Vibhishana shows Hanuman.
10. Explain Vibhishana’s change of heart regarding Ravana.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is missing from this book? What should have been covered or presented that was not? What is the effect of this absence? Describe an element that ought to have been covered, and explain why it would have made the book stronger.
Essay Topic 2
How would you compare the Ramayana to a work of Western myth or religion, such as the Iliad (also about an abducted wife), the Odyssey (about a man’s wanderings) the Aeneid (about great battles) or the Bible (about a culture finding its religion)? Using examples from the text of the Ramayana and the text of a text you are familiar with, describe what kind of culture is encapsulated in the Ramayana.
Essay Topic 3
Where is the climax of this book? Are there different climaxes? What questions does each climax resolve? What questions does each climax leave unanswered?
This section contains 892 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |