Ramayana Test | Final Test - Medium

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ramayana Test | Final Test - Medium

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vibhishana say Ravana can do to a messenger?
(a) Amputate limbs
(b) Brand him
(c) Torture him
(d) Disembowl him

2. What does Valmiki say Ravana had strength to do?
(a) Pull the heavens apart
(b) Begin a new creation of his own
(c) Turn the planet inside out
(d) Protect all creation from harm

3. Where are the dead Rakshasas buried?
(a) They are burned on pyres
(b) Underground
(c) In the sea
(d) In the mountains

4. What proves Sita’s innocence of the charges that led her to be banished?
(a) Her mother, the earth, takes her home
(b) The lightning in the sky flashes at her command
(c) Trijata testifies in front of everyone at the festival
(d) Ravana's spirit returns to testify to it

5. When is the demon army most powerful?
(a) Dawn
(b) Noon
(c) Night
(d) Dusk

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nala throw Prahasta out of his chariot?

2. What does Ravana say kinsmen have in their hearts?

3. What does Queen Mandodari return to Sita?

4. How does Suka prevent Hanuman from killing him?

5. How old are Kusa and Lava when they come to tell the Ramayana at the festival?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rama kill Khumbakarna?

2. How does Rama send a final warning to Ravana?

3. Describe the Rakshasis Hanuman sees when he is searching Lanka.

4. What happens to Sardula and Sarana?

5. Why does Rama banish Sita?

6. How does Indrajit capture Hanuman, and how does Hanuman get free?

7. How is Ravana killed?

8. Describe Rama and Sita’s return to Ayodhya.

9. Describe Rama and Sita’s disappearance from the earth.

10. What happens after Hanuman’s tail is lit on fire?

(see the answer keys)

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