Ramayana Test | Final Test - Easy

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ramayana Test | Final Test - Easy

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what hour does Rama fight Ravana?
(a) Midnight
(b) Dawn
(c) Noon
(d) Sunset

2. What does Ravana say is eternal?
(a) Kings
(b) Life
(c) Demons
(d) Love

3. Who makes dinner for Rama and Sita on their way back to Ayodhya?
(a) Trijata
(b) Vibhishana
(c) Guha
(d) Viswakarman

4. What does Suka say will be the result if Ravana kills Sita with his sword of empire?
(a) Shame
(b) Destruction
(c) Relief
(d) Justice

5. What does Rama’s festival celebrate?
(a) Sita's return to Aydohya
(b) The end of his reign
(c) The coming of springtime
(d) 10,000 years of his rule

6. For how many years does Rama continue to rule Ayodhya after his festival?
(a) 28,000 years
(b) 10,000 years
(c) 1,000 years
(d) 14,000 years

7. Who defeats the demon army single-handedly on the third morning of the war?
(a) Hunuman
(b) Rama
(c) Jambavan
(d) Sugriva

8. For how long does Rama reign in Ayodhya?
(a) 11,000 years
(b) 1,000 years
(c) 100,000 years
(d) 64,000 years

9. How old are Kusa and Lava when they come to tell the Ramayana at the festival?
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 10

10. Which demon’s head is hit so hard that it is driven down into his belly?
(a) Ravana
(b) Lightning-tongue
(c) Khumbakarna
(d) Thunder-tooth

11. How does Suka prevent Hanuman from killing him?
(a) He says he will damage Kishkindhya
(b) He threatens to unleash all of his bad deeds on him
(c) He says that Ravana will avenge his death
(d) He threatens to predict Hanuman's death

12. Who goes to tell Sita that Rama has won?
(a) Rama
(b) Hanuman
(c) Jambavan
(d) Sugriva

13. Who is NOT killed by Indrajit?
(a) Lakshmana
(b) Jambavan
(c) Sugriva
(d) Rama

14. Where does Pushpaka go after Rama’s coronation?
(a) Back to Brahma
(b) Back to the Himalya
(c) Back to Lanka
(d) Back to Vaishravana

15. What does Prahasta carry in addition to weapons, rockets and poisons?
(a) Economic crises
(b) Healing flatteries
(c) False compliments
(d) Delusions and bad dreams

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sita respond to Ravana?

2. What form does Hanuman take when he is searching Lanka for Sita?

3. Who goes to tell Bharata that Rama is coming?

4. What incident does Sita ask Hanuman to recall to Rama?

5. How do Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya?

(see the answer keys)

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