Ramayana Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ramayana Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Buck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who wins the drinking contest Lakshmana enters into?
(a) Lakshmana
(b) Guha
(c) Rama
(d) It is a tie

2. Why does Dasaratha say he wants to step down?
(a) His health is failing
(b) He enjoys too much happiness
(c) He has too many responsibilities
(d) His debts to himself are all paid

3. What saved Guha’s life?
(a) His determination to kick the statue of Shiva
(b) His inability to imagine civilization
(c) His innocence
(d) His refusal to come inside a palace

4. What does Swayamprabha say Maya is master of?
(a) Time
(b) Knowledge
(c) Death
(d) Creation

5. Who did Indra fight in the Battle of Heaven?
(a) Yama
(b) Ravan
(c) Kala
(d) Khumbakarna

6. What was Agastya’s accomplishment?
(a) He lowered the Vindhya Hills
(b) He started the Ganga River
(c) He gathered the Ganga River
(d) He raised the Himalya Hills

7. What does Lakshmana propose to do on hearing that Rama is to be banished?
(a) Kill Dasaratha
(b) Kill Kaikeyi
(c) Find a suitable place for Rama's exile
(d) Prepare Rama's things for exile

8. Why doesn’t the river Godavari tell Rama where Sita is?
(a) It is afraid of Ravana
(b) It is loyal to Ravana
(c) It did not see Ravana take Sita
(d) It cannot speak in Rama's language

9. What did Bharata see in his dream, when Dasaratha died?
(a) The earth swallowed Rama
(b) The sky collpased
(c) The animals were eating each other
(d) The fires of Ayodhya went out

10. Who fashioned the five elements of the world?
(a) Indra
(b) Narayana
(c) Devi
(d) Brahma

11. Who offers Sita food?
(a) Surpanakha
(b) Indra
(c) Ravana
(d) Trijata

12. What does Garuda bring back from heaven to ransom his mother?
(a) Mead
(b) Amrita
(c) Ambrosia
(d) Nectar

13. In what way is Ravana vulnerable?
(a) He can be stabbed in a certain place
(b) He can be drowned
(c) A human can kill him
(d) He can be killed by poison

14. What reason does Sumantra give Dasaratha for his opinion?
(a) Rama has not held office before
(b) He wants to wait until Rama has been trained
(c) He can believe what Rama says
(d) Rama still says foolish things

15. Why does Rama kill Vali?
(a) He has threatened Hanuman
(b) He has been pillaging the countryside
(c) He has stolen Sugriva's wife
(d) He would not say where Sita was taken

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ravana’s feeling about Rama’s name?

2. What is Rama’s response when Bharata asks him to return and be king?

3. What is it that allows Ravana to defeat Jatayu?

4. How do humans win favors from gods in the Ramayana?

5. What is it that the rain kills?

(see the answer keys)

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