A Raisin in the Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Raisin in the Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Walter Lee thank Willie Harris?
(a) Because Willie taught him to focus on what counts
(b) Because Willie is going to help him start a business
(c) Because Willie helped him take stock of his life
(d) Because Willie showed him how to cheat others

2. Ruth thinks Mr. Lindner looks:
(a) Unfriendly
(b) Too relaxed
(c) Untidy
(d) Uncomfortable

3. How does Mr. Lindner describe the people in Clybourne Park?
(a) Mostly retired
(b) Hardworking
(c) Family oriented
(d) Rich and fancy

4. What time are the moving men due?
(a) Ten past noon
(b) Four o'clock
(c) Five o'clock
(d) One o'clock

5. What does the Welcoming Committee offer to do?
(a) Paint the new house
(b) Sell the new house
(c) Rent the new house
(d) Buy the new house

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ruth tell Travis to do when Karl Lindner arrives?

2. Walter Lee has been missing from work for:

3. What does Walter Lee sing about?

4. What objection does Mama raise to Beneatha getting married?

5. What does Travis announce when he comes in?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Walter Lee finally decide not to take Karl Lindner's money?

2. Instead of going to his job for several days, Walter Lee spent the time driving away from the city. Why did he do this and where did he go?

3. At the end of the play, Mama tells Ruth that Walter Lee "finally come into his manhood today." What does it mean to come into your manhood?

4. Travis says that he wants to be a bus driver. How do Walter Lee's dreams for Travis differ from his son's?

5. What does Beneatha want to do at the end of the play?

6. How do the onstage character to react to Mr. Lindner's offer to buy their new house? Describe their emotions.

7. Why does Mama insist on Travis staying while Walter Lee talks to Karl Lindner?

8. Beneatha says that there's nothing left of Walter Lee to love now. How does Mama respond?

9. Beneatha sarcastically asks George "Why read books---why go to school?" Give her answer.

10. In this scene, Walter Lee's mood has changed for the better from his depression earlier. How does he express his happier feelings?

(see the answer keys)

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