The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rainbow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tom's reaction when Mrs. Lensky agrees to marry him?
(a) He picks her up, dancing around the room.
(b) He passes out.
(c) He has to sit down, sealed in oblivion.
(d) He nods his head and heads for home.

2. What angers Anna about Will's attitude at church?
(a) He does not care about mankind.
(b) He is overly passionate about the sermon.
(c) He delves into the meaning of the service, ignoring her.
(d) He is too devout.

3. What is the first woodworking gift Will gives to Anna?
(a) A jewelry box carved with birds
(b) A butter stamp with a phoenix on it
(c) A wooden bowl with carved ivy
(d) Candlesticks with carved flowers

4. Why does William suffer behind his bright face?
(a) He fears the will of God.
(b) He knows he will never be close to Ursula.
(c) He doesn't have enough to do.
(d) He knows he is limited and unfulfilled.

5. What do Tom, Alfred, Frank, the brother-in-law, William's brother, and six other men decide to do after Anna and Will leave for their cottage?
(a) They decide to go to the pub for a drink.
(b) They decide to have a horse race.
(c) They decide to have wrestling matches.
(d) They decide to go to the cottage and sing a carol.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Anna observes the Skrebensky's relationship, what does she wish for herself?

2. How old is Ursula when a third child is born to Anna and William?

3. What does Tom find hard to bear when he thinks about Mrs. Lensky?

4. How does Anna feel about herself as she drives to the wedding with her father?

5. Where have generations of Brangwens lived?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the relationship between Lydia and Tom after two years of marriage.

2. After the birth of their son, Lydia does have the passion for Tom that she once had. How does he deal with the desires he has for his wife?

3. Describe the situation that hardens Ursula to the outside world.

4. How does Tom manage to calm Anna down when she constantly screams for her mother while Lydia is in labor?

5. How does William react when he sees Anna dancing naked in the bedroom?

6. What type of life do the Brangwens have on the Marsh farm?

7. What pains Tom as he stands at the altar at Anna's wedding?

8. Describe the relationship of William and Anna as the days go on.

9. Describe the hatred that grows in seventeen-year-old, Anna, toward her mother.

10. Compare Tom's feeling toward his newborn son and his stepdaughter, Anna?

(see the answer keys)

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