The Rainbow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rainbow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Lydia thankful to Tom for the life he gave her?
(a) Because he let her live in his shadow
(b) Because she was secure in his dominance
(c) Because he let her be herself
(d) Because he gave her all the money she needed

2. How does Anna react to the position of hand-work instructor in Nottingham for which William applies?
(a) She wants to stay in Cossethay.
(b) She is ready for change and a move.
(c) She says that William can go, but she is staying.
(d) She says that she cannot uproot the children.

3. What is the vision the author gives of life if one looks at the Resurrection as life, not death?
(a) Those who have risen will walk again in a perfect body among men.
(b) Those who have died are corrupted.
(c) Those who have died are bodiless.
(d) Those who have died never rise again.

4. What brings Anton Skrebensky back to the Marsh farm after he returns to the army?
(a) Fred Brangwen's wedding
(b) An invitation from Anna
(c) He misses Ursula
(d) A letter from Gudrun

5. Why can't Ursula escape from the world of system and work?
(a) She wants to have full rights in the working world.
(b) She needs to support herself.
(c) Her father demands that she work.
(d) Her mother forces her to pay board.

6. What do Maggie and Ursula talk about when Ursula visits Belcote?
(a) Music, men, and college
(b) Poetry, books and learning
(c) Theatre, music, and love
(d) Farming, gardening, and teaching

7. Who is a great comfort to Ursula while she shrinks away from other people, afraid she is not like them?
(a) Uncle Fred
(b) Gudrun
(c) Uncle Tom
(d) William

8. What does Anton believe Ursula wants to do to him, even though they are lovers?
(a) Insult his beliefs
(b) Dominate him
(c) Destroy his being
(d) Leave him for someone else

9. What is the final question the author asks about the death of Christ?
(a) Will there be another crucifixion?
(b) Is the crucifixion a poison or a hope to mankind?
(c) Will mankind learn a lesson from the crucifixion?
(d) Was Satan destroyed when Christ died?

10. What does Ursula feel after her first kiss with Skrebensky?
(a) Guilt
(b) Fear
(c) Embarrassment
(d) An electric warmth

11. What does Mr. Harby give to Ursula on her last day of school?
(a) A dictionary
(b) A Bible
(c) Two books of poetry, signed by all the teachers
(d) A new pen

12. What keeps Ursula from giving up her studies for the matriculation examination even though they are such a drudgery?
(a) It keeps her mind off Anton.
(b) She is competing with Gudrun.
(c) Her quest for complete independence
(d) She wants to make her father proud.

13. How does Ursula get through the long weeks while Anton is away?
(a) Going to church every day
(b) As if half alive
(c) Spending time with friends
(d) Praying for his safe return

14. What is Anton really feeling as he says goodbye to Ursula when he goes off to war?
(a) He is relieved to be leaving her.
(b) He doesn't want to leave.
(c) He will miss her desperately.
(d) He is looking forward to meeting other women.

15. What subjects do Ursula and Maggie discuss when they are together?
(a) Women's suffrage, ideas and life
(b) Mr. Harby's attitude and philosophy
(c) The school children and teachers
(d) Teaching methods and recreation

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Ursula excited about her father's new position as Art and Handwork Instructor?

2. What is Ursula's emotional state on the last day of school before she goes on to college?

3. With whom do the Brangwen girls have a feud?

4. Where does Anna send Ursula and Gudrun when the pettiness of the village children begins to bother them?

5. What is Ursula's view on school and forcing children to learn?

(see the answer keys)

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