Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Johnston shoot Andre?
2. What branch of the military is John Clark in?
3. How many dancing theme park characters escort the Thompson company into the park?
4. How long does Grady say he will need to do the job Popov has requested?
5. What animal is Ramirez compared to?
Short Essay Questions
1. What confuses Popov about his work with the American employer?
2. How does Connelly act after securing Ostermann's house?
3. How does Popov find out that Clark's daughter worked at the Hereford hospital?
4. How does Andre die?
5. What is the agreement between Switzerland and Rainbow?
6. What does Brightling tell Popov and Henricksen about Rainbow?
7. What does Popov notice when he reviews the tapes of the two situations he helped instigate?
8. Where does Popov plan to meet the IRA terrorists, and what does he have to offer them?
9. In the hostage situation, how are the terrorists taken out?
10. Why is Skip worried about his daughter, and what does he do for her?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Clark endures many different trials before the end of the book. What are some of these trials and what lessons does he learn through these experiences?
Essay Topic 2
Science is a very important tool used by both the good and bad characters in this book. Please cite some of these examples from the book in an essay explaining the pros and cons of the tool of science.
Essay Topic 3
Despair is a theme that is placed in a number of sensitive places in this plot. What are some of these places, and what role does despair play in this book?
This section contains 635 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |