Rainbow Boys Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Sánchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rainbow Boys Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Sánchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For the first time, with whom does Jason stop to talk in the hallway at school in Chapter 22?
(a) Debra.
(b) Nelson.
(c) Corey.
(d) Kyle.

2. Who leaves a note in Jason's locker in Chapter 13?
(a) Kyle.
(b) Debra.
(c) Nelson.
(d) Corey.

3. Who does Nelson hope to see at the Rainbow Youth party at Caitlin's house?
(a) Kyle.
(b) Blake.
(c) Jeremy.
(d) Brick.

4. What does Kyle's father suggest he might do after Kyle's fight with Jack and Jose?
(a) Read more about homosexuality.
(b) Join PFLAG.
(c) Stop accusing Kyle of choosing his sexuality.
(d) Go to a Rainbow Youth meeting.

5. What do Nelson and Kyle learn has happened to their club request to the school board?
(a) It is approved with conditions.
(b) It is declined.
(c) It is approved.
(d) It is approved, but only for the rest of the semester.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Jason's parents fight about in Chapter 16?

2. What does Kyle tell Nelson happened to Shea in Chapter 21?

3. From whom does Nelson receive an impersonal Christmas card in Chapter 15?

4. Why is Nelson in a hurry to have a sexual experience?

5. What reason does Kyle give for not reporting the harassing phone calls he has received to the school authorities?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kyle's father react to meeting Jason for the first time? How does this make Kyle feel?

2. How does Nelson feel when his father fails to pick him up for their pre-arranged dinner plans?

3. How does Debra react when Jason tells her that he thinks he might be gay?

4. Why does Nelson hook up with Blake at a Rainbow Youth party? What happens?

5. How does Corey react to the news that Jason is gay? What advice does he give Jason?

6. Who does Nelson tell Shea he has been contacting over the Internet? For what reason does Shea suggest Nelson has been contacting this person?

7. What does Kyle say when he kisses Jason? How does Jason respond?

8. How does Jason's father respond to Kyle and Nelson? How does Jason deal with his father's reaction?

9. What happens when Jason and his father get into an altercation over the volume of his stereo?

10. Nelson and his mother both speak at the school board meeting to support the beginning of a Gay-Straight Alliance club at the high school. What does Nelson talk about and what impact does it have on the board and those who oppose the club?

(see the answer keys)

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