Rain of Gold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Villaseñor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rain of Gold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Villaseñor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is most of the good firewood found?
(a) In Juarez.
(b) By the river.
(c) Underground.
(d) High in the top branches.

2. Who is congratulated by the midwife for her assistance during Socorro's delivery?
(a) Carlota.
(b) Dona Guadalupe.
(c) Lupe.
(d) Sophia.

3. Why does Dona Guadalupe and her family crush the gold ore they have discovered into dust?
(a) To make it seem like they have more.
(b) Because it is more ore than gold.
(c) To make it seem like it came from the river.
(d) Because that is what you are supposed to do to gold ore.

4. What does Don Victor tell Lupe that makes her resent him?
(a) He tells her that she is not as pretty as Sophia.
(b) He tells her she is too small to help gather the gold.
(c) He tells her that she should help her mother more.
(d) He tells her she should release her pet deer into the forest.

5. What is it that crashes into the canyon and causes many, including Guadalupe, to think it is the end of the world?
(a) Dynamite.
(b) A large boulder.
(c) A meteorite.
(d) A cannonball.

6. Who misses the train to America with Juan?
(a) Luisa.
(b) Inocenta.
(c) Eduardo.
(d) No one, he is all alone.

7. Where is Juan Salvador Villasenor traveling with his family in Chapter 8?
(a) El Paso.
(b) Albuquerque.
(c) Tijuana.
(d) Los Feliz.

8. What type of land are Don Castro and his companions looking for to start their new community?
(a) Fertile land.
(b) Land with gold to be mined.
(c) Lowlands.
(d) Coastal land.

9. Why is Juan trying to sell firewood?
(a) He wants to be a small business owner.
(b) Because he likes selling firewood.
(c) Because his father used to sell firewood as well.
(d) Because without money the family will starve.

10. Why is Victoriano looking through the discarded ore for gold?
(a) His mother needs help paying the bills.
(b) He wants to be a successful businessman.
(c) He is trying to get enough gold to make a ring.
(d) He is deliberately trying to anger the Americans.

11. What family pet does Dona Margarita have to kill for food?
(a) Juan's burro.
(b) Dona Margarita's dog.
(c) Inocenta's duck.
(d) Luisa's goat.

12. What do Epitacio and Juan see across the Rio Grande?
(a) A wild forest.
(b) Nothing but the same poor people and ugly streets.
(c) They see another war on the other side.
(d) The untouched houses of the Americans.

13. Why does Juan Salvador distract the foreman of a farm as his family is passing it?
(a) Because he is a troublemaker.
(b) So that his family can cut through the field as a shortcut.
(c) So that his family can steal corn.
(d) So that his family can sneak into the barn to take a nap.

14. Who does the second owner sell the mine to?
(a) The Mexican Federales.
(b) A large American mining company.
(c) A British oil company.
(d) Espirito's grandchildren.

15. Why do the poor Mexicans think highly of Colonel Maytorena?
(a) He is here to bring salvation to the small village.
(b) He stood up to the American miners to make their working conditions better.
(c) Because he is fighting on the side of the revolution.
(d) He is an old war hero and is revered across the valley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Juan Salvador's youngest brother?

2. Many years after the new community is settled, how does the revolution affect this small community?

3. Where do Juan and his sisters find seeds for their dinner while trying to walk to the U.S.?

4. What horrible thing has happened to Juan's sister Emilia?

5. What Indian tribe is Leonides Camargo fighting against?

(see the answer keys)

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