Ragtime Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Ragtime Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The winter The Boy was skating on the pond, where were Tateh and The Girl?
(a) Bangor, Maine.
(b) Newark, New Jersey.
(c) Lawrence, Massachusetts.
(d) New Haven, Connecticutt.

2. What was a popular type of entertainment show in those days?
(a) Classic concerts.
(b) Sing alongs.
(c) Color motion pictures.
(d) Minstrels in black face.

3. What happens when the American Woolen Company gives out envelopes with short pay?
(a) Tateh contemplates suicide.
(b) The worker all leave to head West.
(c) The workers go on strike.
(d) The welfare office is overrun.

4. What happens when Tateh is beaten by the police and the train The Girl is on starts to move?
(a) He sits down and starts crying.
(b) He grabs a gun from a militiaman and starts shooting.
(c) He calls down a curse from heaven.
(d) He runs and grabs onto the back guardrail of the train.

5. What does Evelyn see that causes her to order the driver to stop the car?
(a) A dirty-faced girl.
(b) A lost puppy.
(c) A sale on shawls.
(d) An organ grinder with a monkey.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the arrival of the immigrants symbolize?

2. What does Mameh finally do to make extra money?

3. What do Mameh, Tateh, and the Little Girl do to make a living?

4. What stories does Grandfather tell The Boy?

5. What is the newspaperman, Jacob Riis, writing about at this time?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is it that Evelyn Nesbit does not understand when she sees The Girl tied to her father?

2. How do the second generation Irish feel about the new immigrants?

3. What is the gossip about Evelyn's disappearances to visit The Girl?

4. What does newspaperman Riis find when he goes to the docks to interview Stanford white about housing for the poor?

5. Why is Houdini thrown out of Bellevue Hospital?

6. What becomes the fashion among the rich in turn of the century America?

7. What sight as they sail out of New York Harbor depresses Father?

8. What does The Boy recover from the trash?

9. What are Tateh's plans for him and The Girl as they leave New York?

10. What idea does Tateh have that makes them money.

(see the answer keys)

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