Ragtime Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Ragtime Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapters 14 and 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mother find buried in her garden?
(a) A newborn baby.
(b) A treasure chest.
(c) Younger Brother's love letters.
(d) A litter of kittens.

2. Why is the girl tied by a rope to the old man's wrists?
(a) Because the girl was insane.
(b) Because the old man was bline.
(c) Because girls and women were often kidnapped.
(d) Because the girl would dance when the rope was pulled.

3. What is Matthew Henson's special knowledge that make him invaluable to Perry?
(a) He is an expert chef.
(b) He can perform surgery.
(c) He is good at repairing dog sleds.
(d) He has an uncanny sense of direction.

4. What does Father do with all the family watching?
(a) Plays tunes on an ivory cared flute.
(b) Passes out gifts he brought back from the Arctic.
(c) Shows them an Esquimo dance.
(d) Reads pages from his journal.

5. What is Father's great guilt?
(a) That he had lost his interest in business.
(b) That he had killed an auk.
(c) That he had slept with an Esquimo woman.
(d) That he had not thought of his family while he was gone.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does the North Pole expedition set off?

2. What does Evelyn receive in her divorce settlement?

3. Who will be speaking at the meeting Evelyn goes to with Tateh and the girl?

4. What is Goldman's political stance?

5. What happened often when Freud was around Jung?

(see the answer key)

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