The Radicalism of the American Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

Gordon S. Wood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Radicalism of the American Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

Gordon S. Wood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the 1790s, who labeled gentry as men of idleness, extravagance, and dissipation?
(a) Abraham Bishop
(b) George Warner.
(c) Matthew Lyon.
(d) William Drayton.

2. What did John Locke write about the common moral sense of every man?
(a) That men are amoral.
(b) That men are disposed to do bad.
(c) That men are disposed to do good.
(d) That men must be taught what is good and bad.

3. Who said, "All Christendom has been decomposed, broken in pieces" in this "fiery furnace of democracy"?
(a) Samuel Blodgett.
(b) Elias Smith.
(c) Harrison Gray Otis.
(d) Thomas Campbell.

4. How many loyalists left the colonies during the revolution?
(a) 80,000.
(b) 70,000.
(c) 90,000.
(d) 60,000.

5. In the 1790s, who proclaimed that every man and woman in every society ought to work?
(a) Benjamin Rush.
(b) Edward Everett.
(c) John Adams.
(d) Parson Weems.

6. How many Boston merchants were named in the Massachusetts Banishment Act of 1778?
(a) 46.
(b) 44.
(c) 47.
(d) 45.

7. In the late 1760s, who dismissed people's right to participate in government if they didn't have a liberal arts education?
(a) Matthew Lyon.
(b) George Warner.
(c) Abraham Bishop.
(d) William Drayton.

8. Who wrote "Common Sense"?
(a) Thomas Paine.
(b) Jeremy Belknap.
(c) Robert Munsford.
(d) Samuel Cooper.

9. Who believed progress and social harmony would result from the enlightened conclusion of the new American society?
(a) James Allen.
(b) Jeremy Belknap.
(c) John Quincy Adams.
(d) Robert Munsford.

10. Whose play "Cato" taught George Washington what it meant to be liberal and virtuous?
(a) Joseph Addison.
(b) Jonathan Mayhew.
(c) William Livingston.
(d) Lord Chesterfield.

11. Who said, "We see with other eyes; we hear with other ears"?
(a) Lord Chesterfield.
(b) Thomas Jefferson.
(c) Thomas Paine.
(d) John Adams.

12. In 1774 Philadelphia, what was the Philadelphia Committee of Nineteen?
(a) A resistance organization.
(b) A loyalist organization.
(c) A religious organization.
(d) A trade organization.

13. When did Americans begin to call for the boycotting of British goods?
(a) When the Patriotic Society was formed.
(b) When Mechanics Hall became a meeting place.
(c) When the Stamp Act was issued.
(d) When artisans in Philadelphia won four city offices.

14. What did John Adams consider to be the main mark of a gentleman?
(a) A liberal arts education.
(b) Dedication to public service.
(c) Virture and charitable causes.
(d) Wealth and ease of life.

15. Who was the speaker of the House of Burgess in 1766?
(a) John Robinson.
(b) John Criswell.
(c) Algernon Sidney.
(d) Richard Henry Lee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was the first county fair held?

2. Who believed that each individual was responsible for his or her eternal salvation or damnation?

3. Who wrote "The Religion of Nature Delineated"?

4. What was the main source of instability and anxiety in revolutionary America?

5. Who said America was "just emerging from the rude unpolished condition of an infant country"?

(see the answer keys)

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