Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13, Chapter 5 - The Grotesque Image of the Body Concludes and Chapter 6 - Images of the Material Bodily Lower Stratum.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Friar John beat thousands of men in his abbey?
(a) As a show of force to deter invaders.
(b) Another Friar challenged him.
(c) To save the abbey's vineyards.
(d) To save France from atheism.

2. What does Bakhtin assert is evident in Rabelais' use of games that combine play and prophecy?
(a) A highly spiritual notion of the relevance of human history.
(b) A ponderous, scholarly approach to the study of history.
(c) A carnivalesque conception of the historical process.
(d) A disregard for the importance of historical figures.

3. How does Bakhtin say Ivan the Terrible of Russia was similar to Rabelais?
(a) They both fought bloody battles against the reigning monarch.
(b) They both travelled anonymously to Carnival festivities.
(c) He too challenged old political and social structures.
(d) He also was a prolific and controversial writer.

4. What event that Rabelais relates does he assert is the origin of the name of the city of Paris?
(a) An earthquake that disrupts Carnival.
(b) Pantagruel's education in the druggists' shops.
(c) Gargantua's drenching of the city in urine.
(d) A battle won by the French against the English.

5. In which element of Shakespeare's dramas does Bakhtin see the overall theme of Rabelais' carnivalesque repeated?
(a) In the tragic elements of Shakespeare's romances.
(b) In the strengths of characters such as Hamlet and Othello.
(c) In the logic of crownings and uncrownings.
(d) In the farcical secondary characters.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rabelais' various works indicate about the popular notion of urination?

2. In the Prologue of the Third Book, to which contemporary events does Rabelais allude?

3. What does Bakhtin find inadequate in Veselovsky's metaphor of Rabelais as a village boy?

4. Why did Bakhtin feel his times were comparable to those of the Renaissance?

5. What does young Gargantua study in order to become acquainted with the common folk?

(see the answer key)

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