Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabelais and His World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13, Chapter 5 - The Grotesque Image of the Body Concludes and Chapter 6 - Images of the Material Bodily Lower Stratum.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is "man's second nature," according to Renaissance Christian doctrine?
(a) The way people act differently around those of another social class.
(b) Man's higher spiritual calling.
(c) The thoughtfulness of the individual mind.
(d) The celebratory but degrading impulse toward gluttony, scatology, and sex.

2. What in particular forms the basic elements of Rabelais' novel _Gargantua_?
(a) Autobiographical observations of Rabelais' own life.
(b) Classical myths.
(c) Historical allusions.
(d) Predictions of the future.

3. "The Treatise of Garcia of Toledo," which Bakhtin cites, is notable for:
(a) Its disregard for the festive tradition.
(b) Its simple philosophy of religious asceticism.
(c) Its retelling of ancient myths and fables.
(d) Its portrayal of the gluttony of the Pope.

4. What is a Renaissance "diablerie"?
(a) A series of prayers one says to beg forgiveness for misbehavior.
(b) A portion of Carnival in which actors dress up as devils.
(c) A type of behavior manual that purports to stop devilish behavior.
(d) A curse one shouts at another, meaning, "To the devil with you!"

5. What significant thing did translators of Rabelais' work add to their translations?
(a) Lists of street cries common in their own countries.
(b) Lists of games played in their own countries.
(c) Critical inquiry of the validity of Rabelais' portrayal of marketplace culture.
(d) Editorial remarks in the form of footnotes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bakhtin asserts that beatings, death, feasting, and merrymaking are all integral parts of:

2. How does Bakhtin define the combination of human and animal organs in Rabelais' novel?

3. What does Bakhtin consider the "symposium" of Medieval grotesque realism?

4. What does Rabelais parody in his response to the episode of Gargantua's birth?

5. How does Bakhtin define the episode involving Villon and Tappecoue?

(see the answer key)

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