Rabbit-proof Fence Test | Final Test - Easy

Doris Pilkington Garimara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabbit-proof Fence Test | Final Test - Easy

Doris Pilkington Garimara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Molly give so that the three of them can stay behind when the other girls head out for school?
(a) She pretends that Daisy is sick.
(b) She pretends to still be asleep.
(c) She says they need to empty the toilet bucket.
(d) She says they have forgotten their school books, so they have to go back to their room to get them.

2. Why is Molly confident that the tracker will not be able to follow them?
(a) Their footprints will have been washed away by the rain.
(b) They know he is in a different part of Australia at the moment.
(c) They haven't lit any fires or left any signs along the way.
(d) He will assume they headed for the train station instead.

3. What is the usual breakfast?
(a) Cold stew.
(b) A glass of water flavored with sugar.
(c) Toast and jam.
(d) Weevily porridge.

4. How does the Superintendent feel about the baby?
(a) He says nice things.
(b) He thinks she is disgusting.
(c) He is angry with Maude.
(d) He is embarrassed that she was born at his station.

5. Who does Constable Riggs hand the girls over to here?
(a) Constable Melrose.
(b) The Chief Protector of Aborigines.
(c) Gracie's family.
(d) The headmistress of Moore River School.

6. When are the girls allowed sheets on their beds?
(a) The beds always have sheets.
(b) Only when special visitors come.
(c) Only if they have been well behaved.
(d) Only on very cold nights.

7. The girls are then handed over again, this time to Constable Pollett. How do they travel to Port Headland?
(a) By train.
(b) They walk.
(c) By boat.
(d) By car.

8. Why can't the girls eat the rabbit that Gracie catches?
(a) They have no matches to start a fire.
(b) It is too small, so there isn't enough meat on it.
(c) Their bodies are not used to meat, so they will be ill.
(d) They think rabbits are poisonous to eat.

9. How do the girls keep warm that night?
(a) They put on all the clothes they own at once.
(b) They have to keep moving around instead of sleeping.
(c) They sleep in the same bed.
(d) They light a fire.

10. Where do they stop off to hand the sick Aboriginal women over to the hospital?
(a) Fremantle.
(b) Perth.
(c) Port Headland.
(d) Marble Bar.

11. What do the girls want to ask him, but do not dare?
(a) Where they are being taken and what will happen to them.
(b) Why the white people came to Australia in the first place.
(c) Whether the slaves who built the pyramids were like them, or like the white men.
(d) Whether there are black people in other places in the world.

12. How do the Aboriginal people make Jigalong a permanent 'sitting down place'?
(a) They make it the gathering place for all the tribes.
(b) They chase out all the white people and claim it for themselves.
(c) They build permanent houses.
(d) Sacred objects are brought and buried there.

13. What do the girls see as they come into the harbor, that makes them homesick?
(a) A wheat silo with a picture of a red dingo on it, which they recognize from flour sacks given to Aborigine people at Jigalong.
(b) A huge water tank, like those at the depot at Jigalong.
(c) The rabbit-proof fence.
(d) A food factory with a picture of a yellow chicken on it, which they recognize from food packets given to Aborigine people at Jigalong.

14. What are the girls supposed to use as a lavatory?
(a) An outside toilet across the snowy yard.
(b) A hole in the corner of the room.
(c) Buckets in the bathroom.
(d) Nothing; there is no lavatory.

15. When the girls reach the heathlands, what do they see?
(a) A large lake blocking their way.
(b) Strange animals.
(c) Beautiful and unusual wildflowers.
(d) A large lake blocking their way.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Molly decide that night?

2. Why does Molly sometimes wish she didn't have light skin?

3. When the girls meet a man on a bike while walking along the fence, what does the man do?

4. Why are the girls frightened when they get off the boat?

5. What do a group of Aborigine men give the girls?

(see the answer keys)

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