Rabbit-proof Fence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Doris Pilkington Garimara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabbit-proof Fence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Doris Pilkington Garimara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Aboriginal people sleep?
(a) In brick houses.
(b) In small mud huts.
(c) In shelters made from branches and bark.
(d) In widened-out rabbit burrows.

2. Why don't the Aboriginals understand what Captain Fremantle is saying?
(a) He is trying to talk in their language, but getting it wrong.
(b) He is speaking in verse.
(c) He is talking about things they have never seen or heard of.
(d) He is speaking in his language.

3. What is the Canning Stock Route?
(a) A railway.
(b) A long line of wells stretching across the desert.
(c) A trade route.
(d) A trail used for transporting prisoners.

4. What does Captain Fremantle name the area?
(a) Perth.
(b) Northern Australia.
(c) Western Australia.
(d) New England.

5. How long is the military outpost there for?
(a) One year.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Twenty years.
(d) Five years.

6. How does Captain Fremantle try to communicate when he realizes they don't understand him?
(a) He draws pictures in the sand.
(b) He tries to use sign language.
(c) He gets a translator.
(d) He writes it down instead.

7. What is the name of Captain Fremantle's gunboat?
(a) Challenger.
(b) Koolinda.
(c) Amity.
(d) Freedom.

8. What does Arthur Carberry hope to achieve in Australia?
(a) He wants to send money home to his sick mother.
(b) He wants to join the army.
(c) He wants to find good land and become rich.
(d) He wants to find an Aboriginal to be his slave.

9. What do Bidgup and Meedo decide to do about the food problem?
(a) Move the whole tribe away into the desert.
(b) Kill all the white people.
(c) Take one of the white people's sheep.
(d) Take the white women hostage.

10. What do Yalbung and Beeboo hear when they are hunting near the river?
(a) Men's voices and cries of frightened women.
(b) Roars of dangerous animals.
(c) Gunfire.
(d) A ship's horn.

11. Why do the clans gather to set fire to areas of the brush?
(a) To flush out animals, which are caught and eaten.
(b) For a religious ritual.
(c) To clear an area to build houses on.
(d) To drive off the white men.

12. What did the Aboriginal people discover too late?
(a) How to use guns.
(b) That all their beliefs are false.
(c) That the white men are human beings and not spirits.
(d) A secret hiding place from the white men.

13. What are the white men compared to?
(a) A terrible storm.
(b) Flesh eating spirits.
(c) Stampeding herds.
(d) Bush fires out of control.

14. How do the Mardudjara people interact with the white station owners?
(a) They train as stockmen and domestic help.
(b) They trade animal skins for food and tobacco.
(c) They steal food from them.
(d) They are captured and used as slaves by the white men.

15. What were the white construction workers doing?
(a) Sinking wells.
(b) Laying railway tracks.
(c) Building houses.
(d) Building a barn.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what century was the military outpost established on the shores of Western Australia?

2. What are Bidgup and Meedo worried about?

3. Why are the Aboriginal people forced to accept the white men's system of justice and punishment?

4. What kind of weather is it always successful to hunt in?

5. In what ways do the Mardudjara people suffer?

(see the answer keys)

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