Rabbit Is Rich Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rabbit Is Rich Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the Angstroms, the Murketts and the Harrosons decide to go on holiday in January?
(a) Mexico
(b) The Carribean
(c) Brazil
(d) The Canary Islands

2. What kind of party do the Murketts hold in this chapter?
(a) A pool party
(b) A dinner party
(c) A costume party
(d) A swingers party

3. What do Harry and Janice convert their profits into?
(a) Silver coins
(b) Rubees
(c) Gold coins
(d) Sterling

4. What does Harry fear may offend Pru?
(a) His swearing
(b) His dress sense
(c) His choice of books
(d) His sweating

5. What does Harry say they should have taken up years ago?
(a) Poker
(b) Swinging
(c) Golf
(d) Traveling

6. What kind of meeting does Peggy have to attend?
(a) A teacher's meeting
(b) A neighborhood meeting
(c) A anti-nuclear meeting
(d) A anti-arms meeting

7. Where did Pru work in Kent State?
(a) The administration office
(b) The student union
(c) The reception
(d) The sports hall

8. Which of the characters have never sailed?
(a) Cindy
(b) Thelma
(c) Harry
(d) Janice

9. What is Nelson drinking at the party?
(a) Cider
(b) Southern Comfort
(c) Whisky
(d) Beer

10. What does Webb say does a marriage in?
(a) Bad sex
(b) Secret affairs
(c) Repressed anger
(d) Open affairs

11. What kind of car does Ma Springer own?
(a) A Chrysler
(b) A Corolla
(c) A BMW
(d) A Maverick

12. What does Harry say are as ugly as hell?
(a) Backsides
(b) Breasts
(c) Feet
(d) Penises

13. What will Charlie have to do when Nelson comes into the business?
(a) Train him
(b) Move into a higher position
(c) Open a rival business
(d) Step aside

14. Who is in a deep conversation with Charlie at the wedding?
(a) Janice
(b) Bessie
(c) Melanie
(d) Pru

15. Where do the newlyweds spend their honeymoon?
(a) Mexico City
(b) Las Vegas
(c) Poconos
(d) London

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Harry used to keep in his bedside drawer?

2. Who calls the family together for a conference?

3. What news do Janice and Harry break to Bessie in this chapter?

4. Who does Janice think is fond of Harry?

5. Who does Harry say belongs to the old circle in his life?

(see the answer keys)

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