The Quiet American Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Quiet American Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gets a job for Miss Hei with the Americans?

2. Why does Fowler want to read Phuong's thoughts?

3. Why does Fowler say he wants to find another flat?

4. What happens at the fountain in front of the big store?

5. What does Vigot say he dislikes most about his job?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes work more difficult for Fowler with his leg in a cast?

2. After his stay in the hospital, where does Fowler find Phuong?

3. What does Fowler witness with Mr. Heng who had called him to big store at the corner of Boulevard Charner?

4. What trouble is Pyle having when Fowler runs into him on this trip?

5. What happens right after two American girls walk out of the Pavilon?

6. What evidence is there that Vigot knows Fowler is involved in some way with Pyle's murder?

7. Almost in spite of himself, what advice is Fowler compelled to give Pyle?

8. What does Fowler mean when he tells Vigot that York Harding in the man who killed Alden Pyle?

9. What happens to Fowler in that situation?

10. What important person does Fowler meet at the insistence of Dominguez?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write a paper explaining why Fowler tells Vigot that York Harding killed Alden Pyle. This will be an opinion piece about how people are influenced by what they read. Fowler recognizes that Pyle has been taken up in an idealistic dream over Harding's untried idea that a Third Force is the answer to the Vietnam conflict. The fallacy of that idea should be readily apparent. It would not serve to bolster the position of the one force it is meant to enhance. Rather, would it not just create a new entity in the struggle for power? Answer this question by pointing out what Pyle's Third Force did by supporting General The.

Essay Topic 2

Write a paper about why Mr. Heng was so sure that Thomas Fowler would cooperate in getting Pyle to the restaurant. There are two factors here for your paper. One, is the idea of coming out on top in a love triangle. Asian men especially would relate to this concept. The other is the factor of Fowler's dependence on covert information to write his articles. Your paper will evaluate which motive is stronger with Fowler.

Essay Topic 3

The beginning of what we call the Vietnam war was an effort on the part of Vietnamese Communists to overthrow French colonialism. Write a paper on your opinion about the Americans becoming involved after the French pulled out. The implication of Pyle's trying to set up a Third Force hints at a premeditated plan on the part of America to be ready to step in when the French pull out. Do you think that is what happened?

(see the answer keys)

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