Quicksand and Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why might Helga have felt alienated in the "Negro" school as a child?

2. Helga shows up at the mission

3. What disturbs Helga about her conversation with Dr. Anderson?

4. Besides her uncle, what connection does Helga have in Chicago?

5. It occurs to Helga that perhaps her new uncle

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Anne's problem with Audrey Denny? Does her hate toward Audrey make any sense? Why or why not?

2. What is the YWCA and why is Helga there? Is this a safe haven for her? Does it meet her high living standards?

3. To what do you suppose Helga is attracted in Dr. Anderson? (Hint: Up until now, the author repeatedly mentions a certain aspect of him.)

4. Devastated over losing what she secretly hoped would develop into an affair with Anderson, Helga's depression returns. Discuss the worship service that she happens upon, and its symbolism.

5. Why does Helga feel free on the ship on her way to Denmark? Does being isolated in the middle of the ocean have any effect on her? If so, what?

6. How has the gift of Uncle Peter's money affected Helga? Was this a kind gesture on his part? Why or why not?

7. What is it about African Americans that Helga hates? Is this opinion of hers new, or has she felt this way for some time? What causes her to draw this conclusion?

8. Why does Helga return to Harlem? Discuss her newfound spiritual ties to the black population here. Is it the same connection she felt before? Why, or why not?

9. What does the story imply about Mrs. Hayes-Rore's husband? In what might he have been involved? Explain your answers, quoting text.

10. Why does Helga decide to marry Reverend Green? Does her decision make any sense? Is she not concerned about the reactions of others?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay about the music in Harlem during the 1920s, including popular musicians and their audiences. Do some of the same venues still exist there? Does the traditional music of the 1920s still exist there? What permanent mark did early Harlem leave on music, if any?

Essay Topic 2

Write an in-depth essay on Dr. Robert Anderson. There are many things about him which attract and repel Helga. What is his role in Helga's life in Quicksand? What does he represent to her? Is there anything about him that would make him more attractive to Helga than the average man? Why does Larsen include him?

Essay Topic 3

There are several mentions of "uplift" of the Negro race in the 1920s. Research and write about at least three organizations whose cause it was to uplift the race, what they did, and whether they still exist. Are there any of these still in existence today? If so, where are they headquartered and what is their creed or motto?

(see the answer keys)

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