Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Brian states that sex is a joke because
(a) He wants his son to think sex is funny.
(b) He likes off color jokes.
(c) His marriage is clearly unhappy.
(d) He thinks sex is hilarious.

2. Helga finds some satisfaction in
(a) Living in the south.
(b) Living in poverty.
(c) Changing the women in the congregation.
(d) Being a preacher's wife.

3. When it comes to Clare's motives, Irene is
(a) Understanding.
(b) Outspoken.
(c) Suspicious.
(d) Naive.

4. What animal image comes to Irene's mind when considering Clare?
(a) A lion.
(b) A cat.
(c) A cougar.
(d) A fox.

5. What is the trait of Clare's that gossipers have mentioned to Irene?
(a) Clare's having way.
(b) Clare's gregarious nature.
(c) Clare's standoffishness.
(d) Clare's vulnerability.

Short Answer Questions

1. Helga makes the decision while she is still bedridden to

2. As to Clare's motives, Irene is

3. What does Clare's stationery say about her?

4. Irene privately considers what it would be like if

5. Clare married her husband because

Short Essay Questions

1. Speculate on why Clare is silent at the Redfield dinner table, but talkative and gregarious a parties with others. Does she have a split personality, or is she just shy at the Redfields'? How does Larsen let on what is going on without saying it?

2. Is there anything we can deduce about Irene's response to Clare's letter without knowing the whole story? If so, what are they?

3. Hugh Wentworth, the white author, comes back into the story during the afternoon tea scene. What is Wentworth's role? Is he a true friend to Irene? To Clare?

4. How does this time in Helga's life compare to other times? Is it similar or different? In what ways?

5. What is the burden that these characters carry with them throughout the story?

6. What do we know about Clare Kendry from her letter to Irene? What do we know about her from this chapter?

7. What is odd about the initial meeting among Irene, Gertrude and Clare? Are these conversations typical among women friends? What, if anything, makes the visit among the three women unusual?

8. Why do you suppose Clare is pushing herself so rigorously to get involved in Irene's life? Why has she not chosen, for instance, Gertrude, to reacquaint her with the black culture? What is the particular attraction to Irene?

9. What, exactly, does Irene fervently wish John Bellew could know? Why?

10. What is the author's intention when she puts the two women together in the hotel restaurant scene? What conclusions can we draw from Irene's memory of that day?

(see the answer keys)

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