Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Helga has developed a new appreciation for
(a) Naxos and its efforts.
(b) New York and its excitement.
(c) Hard work.
(d) The black southerners and their simplicity.

2. Irene Redfield does not
(a) Try to pass as a white person.
(b) Discuss her skin color.
(c) Reveal to anyone that she is black.
(d) Does not tell her sons they are black.

3. Clare married her husband because
(a) She loves him.
(b) He has money.
(c) She wanted a banker.
(d) She wanted children.

4. What did Clare's aunts do to her?
(a) Tortured her with religion.
(b) Forced her to learn to cook.
(c) Made her care for them in their old age.
(d) Used her father against her.

5. Helga makes the decision while she is still bedridden to
(a) Flee to Naxos.
(b) Leave Pastor Green.
(c) Re-commit to the church.
(d) Commit suicide.

Short Answer Questions

1. Soon after Helga is well enough to be out of bed

2. At the tea, Irene is

3. Irene privately considers what it would be like if

4. What happened to Clare's father?

5. Brian demands that Irene

Short Essay Questions

1. After two years pass, Clare again wants to become involved in Irene's life. Is Irene's reaction negative or positive? Explain her reaction.

2. What is the burden that these characters carry with them throughout the story?

3. What role, if any, does Clare's husband play in the story so far? Is he a comforting presence? Why, or why not? Is he a likable character?

4. How does this time in Helga's life compare to other times? Is it similar or different? In what ways?

5. What, exactly, does Irene fervently wish John Bellew could know? Why?

6. What is the author's intention when she puts the two women together in the hotel restaurant scene? What conclusions can we draw from Irene's memory of that day?

7. During a period while Clare is gone, is there peace in the Redfield home? Why, or why not?

8. Things have taken a turn for the worse at the Redfields'. What are the clues that the story is inching toward a conclusion as it pertains to the Redfields and Clare Kendry? What conclusions can we draw about this section of the story?

9. Clare attends the Negro League dance with Brian and Irene. What does the dance symbolize in the story? Why is Irene careful to arrange a ride home for Clare?

10. What is odd about the initial meeting among Irene, Gertrude and Clare? Are these conversations typical among women friends? What, if anything, makes the visit among the three women unusual?

(see the answer keys)

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