Quicksand and Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Helga thinks she has now
(a) Lost her mind.
(b) Avoided suicide.
(c) Found her saving grace.
(d) Hit the bottom.

2. Helga is angry at herself because
(a) Her teaching has been ineffective.
(b) Her students think she is too young.
(c) Her colleagues like their jobs.
(d) She is too beautiful to be a teacher.

3. Helga's attempt to overcome her loneliness in Harlem has resulted in
(a) Dullness and aversion.
(b) A stronger sense of her self.
(c) A more secure outlook.
(d) Anxiety and tension.

4. Helga wants to leave Naxos because
(a) She does not fit in.
(b) She dislikes her students.
(c) The staff is dependent upon her.
(d) She hates James Vayle.

5. Dr. Anderson has assumed that Helga's good qualities are due to
(a) The facade she wears.
(b) Her good breeding.
(c) Her sense of morality.
(d) Her fine education.

Short Answer Questions

1. Olsen thinks Helga's surprise at his proposal is

2. The reason for Mrs. Hayes-Rore's reaction to Helga's story is that

3. Her deepest regret over the incident with Anderson is

4. Olsen refers to Helga's refusal of him as

5. What Helga respects in Audrey is

Short Essay Questions

1. Why would Helga become alienated in a school for Negro children? What makes her different from other faculty.

2. What is Dr. Anderson's attitude toward the troubles of society? Is he an idealist, or is he a wise man? Use examples to answer.

3. Dr. Anderson has almost talked Helga into staying at Naxos. What triggers her rage, and why?

4. Why does Helga's lack of references hurt her job search? Why does she have no references?

5. What was it about Helga's past that was so unhappy? Is her unhappiness justified? Why, or why not?

6. What is Anne's problem with Audrey Denny? Does her hate toward Audrey make any sense? Why or why not?

7. What is the point of Larsen's description of Helga's response to the music at the club? What does the jungle animal description prove? Is this a racist passage?

8. What is it that disturbs Helga about Naxos' methods of educating children? Are her feelings justified?

9. What is Helga's reasoning for not wanting children? Is this just a defense mechanism on her part? Why, or why not?

10. Is Helga feeling regret as she leaves Naxos? Why or why not? Is this a good move for her career? Is sh being responsible?

(see the answer keys)

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