Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Clare is very
(a) Maternal and kind.
(b) Self-focused and manipulative.
(c) Threatening and belligerent.
(d) Generous and gregarious.

2. Irene Redfield does not
(a) Does not tell her sons they are black.
(b) Reveal to anyone that she is black.
(c) Discuss her skin color.
(d) Try to pass as a white person.

3. Helga grows tired and ill from
(a) Continuous child bearing.
(b) Gossip and loneliness.
(c) Bad food.
(d) The dirt and squalor.

4. Why does Irene bring up Junior being exposed to sexually tinged jokes?
(a) To cause a spark in him.
(b) To divert his attention from his unhappiness.
(c) To see if it will make him interested in her.
(d) To be suggestive about the subject.

5. The teacup Irene destroys is
(a) A cheap reproduction.
(b) An heirloom from Brian's family.
(c) A porcelain antique.
(d) Hand-painted.

6. Why does Irene think Hugh Wentworth wants to come to Negro events?
(a) Because he is self-righteous.
(b) Because he wants to see black people.
(c) Because he is a voyeur.
(d) Because he is attracted to black women.

7. John Bellew enters Felise's apartment in a state of
(a) Panic.
(b) Hilarity.
(c) Rage.
(d) Resolve.

8. Irene has a bad moment during the social event wherein she
(a) Deliberately breaks a tea cup.
(b) Pushes Clare across the room.
(c) Throws a champagne bottle.
(d) Screams at Brian.

9. What does Clare's stationery say about her?
(a) She is beautiful.
(b) She is plain.
(c) She is feminine.
(d) She is wealthy.

10. Clare married her husband because
(a) He has money.
(b) She wanted a banker.
(c) She loves him.
(d) She wanted children.

11. Brian states that sex is a joke because
(a) His marriage is clearly unhappy.
(b) He wants his son to think sex is funny.
(c) He likes off color jokes.
(d) He thinks sex is hilarious.

12. At the Redfields' private dinner table, Clare is
(a) Quiet.
(b) Happy.
(c) Chirpy.
(d) Talkative.

13. What happened to Clare's father?
(a) He died in a car accident.
(b) He was imprisoned.
(c) He left Clare when she was small.
(d) He died from injuries in a fight.

14. What has Irene heard about Clare since they were young?
(a) She has been seen with rich white men.
(b) She has found a career as a dancer.
(c) She has been a housewife.
(d) She is a high fashion model in New York.

15. Irene knows that she and Brian and their children belong
(a) In Brazil.
(b) In New York.
(c) In Chicago.
(d) To Harlem.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the implication that surrounds Clare's rich white male companions?

2. What feelings come up for Irene when remembering her visit with Clare in Chicago

3. Soon after Helga is well enough to be out of bed

4. Helga finds some satisfaction in

5. What is a personality trait of Clare's that stands out in Irene's mind?

(see the answer keys)

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