Quicksand and Passing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Passing, Part Three, Chapters Two and Three.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The painter, Herr Olsen, finds Helga's looks to be
(a) Unusual and fearsome.
(b) Amazing and marvelous.
(c) Odd and almost frightening.
(d) Somewhat sleazy.

2. What happened to Clare's father?
(a) He left Clare when she was small.
(b) He died in a car accident.
(c) He died from injuries in a fight.
(d) He was imprisoned.

3. In Chicago, Clare's husband
(a) Asked Irene to leave.
(b) Denegrated and insulted the black race.
(c) Spoke of his unconditional love for people.
(d) Claimed he had Negro blood.

4. When Dr. Anderson makes an assumption about her background, Helga
(a) Is glad no one knows about her lack of family.
(b) Accepts the compliment and smiles.
(c) Hopes he will find her repulsive.
(d) Responds angrily with the truth about her parents.

5. What feelings come up for Irene when remembering her visit with Clare in Chicago
(a) Shame and sadness.
(b) Anger and humiliation.
(c) Old ties of friendship.
(d) Love and longing.

Short Answer Questions

1. In her lovely room at Naxos, Helga is

2. Irene does not tell Brian about bumping into Bellew because

3. Irene has a bad moment during the social event wherein she

4. Helga found her job with the help of

5. When it comes to Dr. Anderson, Helga has now developed a vague sense of

(see the answer key)

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