Quicksand and Passing Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quicksand and Passing Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Passing, Part Two, Chapters Three and Four.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Clare is very
(a) Self-focused and manipulative.
(b) Maternal and kind.
(c) Threatening and belligerent.
(d) Generous and gregarious.

2. What happened to Clare's father?
(a) He left Clare when she was small.
(b) He was imprisoned.
(c) He died in a car accident.
(d) He died from injuries in a fight.

3. The Fishers arrive at the boat in order to
(a) Help with Helga's bags.
(b) Satisfy their curiosity.
(c) Greet Helga in Dutch.
(d) Translate for Helga's new uncle.

4. Prior to Olsen's proposal, Helga had planned to
(a) Turn her attention to another man.
(b) Begin a new relationship with Herr Dahl.
(c) Date within her own race.
(d) Steal Dr. Anderson from Anne.

5. At the bottom of Helga's angst may be the fact that
(a) She comes from questionable circumstances.
(b) Her family was wealthy at one time.
(c) She has a better place in society.
(d) She has abandoned her family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Helga's step-siblings were

2. The painter, Herr Olsen, finds Helga's looks to be

3. For her departure from Denmark, Helga now blames

4. When Clare mentions she would do anything to get what she wants, it

5. Helga feels that at Naxos she is

(see the answer key)

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