Quichotte Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Quichotte Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character "sometimes" has the "strange thought" (152) that maybe someone had created Quichotte just like Quichotte had created him?
(a) Dr. R. K. Smile.
(b) Sancho.
(c) The Human Trampoline.
(d) Brother.

2. From what novel's contents does Sancho learn "the key to survival" (129)?
(a) War and Peace.
(b) Madame Bovary.
(c) Crime and Punishment.
(d) Moby Dick.

3. What is Sancho's main desire, as revealed in the novel's ninth chapter?
(a) A car of his own.
(b) A career.
(c) A home.
(d) A girlfriend.

4. Quichotte takes a wrong turn somewhere between Toledo and which other city?
(a) Salt Lake City.
(b) Detroit.
(c) Cleveland.
(d) Akron.

5. Sancho decides in the novel's tenth chapter that Quichotte is "truly" (145) what?
(a) Cuckoo.
(b) Arrogant.
(c) Rich.
(d) Honorable.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kinds of objects does Thayer collect in case he wants to extort anything from Miss Salma R in the future?

2. When Quichotte insists that he and Sancho must give up their desires and attachments, which element of life does he declare exempt?

3. Who sends an email message in Chapter 15 while pretending to be Sister?

4. When Brother and Ex-Wife speak with the police, they find that has Son chosen to take which action in relation to his family?

5. Who bestowed the name of the Human Trampoline in Quichotte's sister, according to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of Brother's encounter with the "mosaic portraits of authors and musicians" (213) in the subway station?

2. Describe the weather that greets Quichotte and Sancho when they finally arrive in New York City and discuss its significance.

3. Under what circumstances does Son disappear for several weeks?

4. How do Quichotte and Sancho escape from the mastodons in Berenger, New Jersey?

5. Which character wants to facilitate a reconciliation between Brother and Sister and why?

6. What positive traits does Miss Salma R come to believe Quichotte possesses, after reading two of his letters?

7. What element does Quichotte name as "the only antidote for human misery" (156) and with whom does he share this information?

8. What is the setting of the novel's eleventh chapter?

9. For what reason do Quichotte and Sancho stay at Lake Capote only briefly?

10. What is the symbolism of Babajan's laugh, as revealed in the novel's eleventh chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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