Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Robin is sentenced to death and vows revenge on whom?
(a) The King.
(b) O'LiamRoe.
(c) Lymond.
(d) John.

2. What worries Lymond about showing up at the French court?
(a) He thinks he may be arrested.
(b) He thinks the King will have him banished.
(c) He had been known as Thady Boy Ballagh at court.
(d) He thinks Queen Mary may have been killed.

3. Richard and the Erskines try to find out who, besides _______________, was set on killing Lymond and Queen Mary.
(a) Sir George.
(b) O'LiamRoe.
(c) James Cromwell.
(d) Robin Steward.

4. Whom does O'LiamRoe overhear talking about the plot to kill Queen Mary?
(a) Piedar and Robin.
(b) Brice and Robin.
(c) John and Brice.
(d) Brice and James.

5. Lymond does not realize that ______________ is to be assassinated as well as Queen Mary.
(a) He
(b) O'LiamRoe.
(c) Mistress Boyle.
(d) Pilar.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Robin enlist to give the information he has about the next assassination attempt to Lymond?

2. Where is Queen Mary to be killed?

3. Lymond visits _________________ to discuss his keeping an eye on the man in #146 and coaxing a confession out of him.

4. A wrestling match is to take place between the Cornishman and ________________.

5. Who confesses to the plot to kill Queen Mary?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the man the author refers to in the riddle about fasting? Why should this man have maintained his plan to starve himself to death?

2. Why is it important for O'LiamRoe to go to Oonagh to attain her compliance with talking about the murder plot?

3. Why is the riddle about dissolving verbal contracts relevant for Robin?

4. How is the statement regarding a dog not being fed or being fed by a trespasser relevant for this chapter?

5. What is Robin's sentence for his part in the plot to murder Queen Mary? Why will the sentence not be carried out?

6. Who does Lymond tell Richard is the would-be assassin? How does Lymond know this?

7. How can the riddle of putting a horse in a dangerous situation also apply to the deadly situation going on at court?

8. How does O'LiamRoe unwittingly stumble upon information related to the plot to kill Queen Mary?

9. Where does Lymond end up after being captured by Oonagh and rescued from the hotel fire?

10. What did Lymond spend much of his time doing in this chapter regarding the Stewarts?

(see the answer keys)

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