Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It is learned that Oonagh and _______________ are conspiring against Lymond and Queen Mary.
(a) Mistress Boyle.
(b) Queen Catherine.
(c) Richard.
(d) O'LiamRoe.

2. What element was used to poison Lymond?
(a) Arsenic.
(b) Hemlock.
(c) Nightshade.
(d) Botulism.

3. Those who prevented the death of Queen Mary all go to ________________.
(a) The stables.
(b) The menagerie.
(c) The castle.
(d) A tavern.

4. Who kills Brice?
(a) Richard.
(b) Lymond.
(c) Oonagh.
(d) Robin.

5. Who is Vervassal?
(a) A courier.
(b) A spy.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A herald.

6. Robin had made a pledge to _____________________.
(a) Convert to Catholicism.
(b) Return to France for punishment.
(c) Hang himself.
(d) Starve himself to death.

7. Richard and the Erskines try to find out who, besides _______________, was set on killing Lymond and Queen Mary.
(a) James Cromwell.
(b) O'LiamRoe.
(c) Robin Steward.
(d) Sir George.

8. Lymond visits _________________ to discuss his keeping an eye on the man in #146 and coaxing a confession out of him.
(a) Philip Louis.
(b) Michel Herisson.
(c) William MaGuire.
(d) Richard Crenshaw.

9. What is the result of the duel?
(a) Lymond kills Lord d'Aubigny.
(b) Lord d'Aubigny forfeits.
(c) Lymonds gravely injures Lord d'Aubigny.
(d) Lymond forfeits.

10. The beginning of Part Three: London: The Excitement of Being Hunted: I: Blois: The Mill in Motion is written from whose perspective?
(a) Mary's.
(b) Margaret's.
(c) Robin's.
(d) Jenny's.

11. With whom has O'LiamRoe been having a flirtatious relationship for weeks?
(a) Madeline Lemieux.
(b) Margaret Lennox.
(c) Marie Lymon.
(d) Matilda Legrand.

12. Who shoots arrows at Lymond at the outdoor event?
(a) O'LiamRoe.
(b) James.
(c) Robin.
(d) Sir George.

13. Lymond does not realize that ______________ is to be assassinated as well as Queen Mary.
(a) Mistress Boyle.
(b) Pilar.
(c) O'LiamRoe.
(d) He

14. Who is revealed to be Robin's partner?
(a) Thady.
(b) Margaret Lennox.
(c) John Stewart.
(d) Oonagh.

15. Where does Lymond travel to to find the French court and deal with Robin?
(a) Angers.
(b) Tours.
(c) Provence.
(d) Lyons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose assistance does O'LiamRoe try to enlist for introductions at the English court?

2. Where does the woman who takes Lymond into her home have Lymond sent?

3. What does Robin do when Lymond asks to talk to him before Robin kills him?

4. What does Lymond do when Robin makes a comment about Lymond's family and Margaret Erskines?

5. Who commits suicide when he hears the explosion on the river?

(see the answer keys)

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