Queens' Play Character Descriptions

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Queens' Play Character Descriptions

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Francis Crawford of Lymond

He is the Master of Culter who spends the majority of the story protecting the young Queen Mary from would-be assassins.

Mary Queen of Scots

She is betrothed to the French Dauphin and lives in France, away from her mother. The entire story revolves around the protection of her life.

Mary of Guise

As the Queen Mother of Scotland and the widow of King James the V, she uses her daughter to gain power for herself in her adopted home of Ireland.

Phelim O'LiamRoe

He is the Prince of Barrow who becomes a close companion of Lymond.

Richard Crawford

He is the third baron Culter, the brother of Francis Crawford of Lymond.


She is Thomas Erskine's wife and a close friend of Lymond's.

Jenny, Lady Fleming

She is the governess of Queen Mary and in many ways her playmate and fellow mischief maker...

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