The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Akasha want Lestat to do for her?
(a) She wants him to bring her victims with a certain blood type.
(b) She wants him to renounce his immortality.
(c) She wants him to kill mortals for her.
(d) She wants him to create grand feasts for her.

2. How does Enkil come to rule his kingdom?
(a) His mother dies and there are no female realtives to ascend to the throne.
(b) He is chosen by lottery, as is the custom of his people.
(c) The people of the Nile Valley anoint him king while he is still a child.
(d) Like Oedipus, he slays his father and marries his mother.

3. What does Lestat do inadvertently to his watch and purposefully to a mirror?
(a) Gives them to a beggar below the balcony of his room.
(b) Smashes them with his boot.
(c) Makes them burst into flames with the power of his mind.
(d) Breaks them with the power of his mind.

4. What is Armand dreaming when Akasha lets Lestat see him?
(a) A red-haired woman walking in the jungle.
(b) A lioness stalking wild deer along the Amazon.
(c) A falcon hunting on the plains.
(d) A polar bear tracking salmon.

5. What does Akasha say about her temperament?
(a) She knows she is strong, powerful and bold.
(b) She has matured and calmed down during the years of dormancy.
(c) She might have a temper but, deep down, her heart is soft.
(d) She has always been a ruler and doesn't intend to give it up now.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the remaining vampires gather?

2. What does Akasha shout as her first victim burns?

3. What does the spirit Amel give to Akasha?

4. What is the disagreement between Lestat and Akasha?

5. What was Lestat's childhood ambition?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Lestat's feelings as he watches Akasha's plan unfolding.

2. Marius suggests that Akasha postpone her plans until she can see that humans are evolving toward peace on their own. What is Akasha's response?

3. Why does Marius feel so strongly about seeing Armand--whom he calls Amadeo--again?

4. What is Marius' reaction to the gathering of vampires which he has joined?

5. Was Akasha unconscious and unaware during her years of dormancy?

6. Maharet has searched for her twin for 6,000 years. What clues or proof has she had over that time that Mekare is alive?

7. Akasha commands Lestat to kill in her name, starting with male acolytes at Azim's temple. What is his reaction to the order?

8. Once the twins are back in their cell, what does Amel tell them about himself?

9. Akasha wants 99 percent of male humans killed, reasoning that a world ruled by women will be more peaceful than the world under the rule of men. What is the irony of that plan?

10. Akasha tells Lestat why she loves him. What does she say?

(see the answer keys)

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