The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Queen of the Damned Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where had Lestat been happiest?
(a) As a rock star in San Francisco.
(b) As a vampire drinking his mother's blood.
(c) As a child, in the monastery.
(d) As a singer in Paris.

2. What effect does Maharet's red hair have on Marius' mood?
(a) It makes him think of his mother.
(b) He is disgusted and thinks she should update the style.
(c) He is entranced by it momentarily and feels joyful again.
(d) He has the urge to wrap it around him like a cloak.

3. Who controlls the spirits?
(a) Only the poorest of the poor could command them.
(b) No one, they are independent.
(c) The red-haired twins.
(d) The royal couple controlls them.

4. Who is the first vampire at the meeting to raise objections to Akasha's plan?
(a) Gabrielle.
(b) Pandora.
(c) Santino.
(d) Marius.

5. How can the King and Queen reduce their extreme thirst for blood?
(a) By eating clay found on the banks of the Nile.
(b) By making other vampires--to dilute the thirst among them.
(c) By sleeping in an iron casket.
(d) By spiking the blood with vodka.

6. What does Akasha say about her temperament?
(a) She might have a temper but, deep down, her heart is soft.
(b) She has matured and calmed down during the years of dormancy.
(c) She knows she is strong, powerful and bold.
(d) She has always been a ruler and doesn't intend to give it up now.

7. At the meeting of Akasha and the others, where does Lestat sit?
(a) To the left of Maharat.
(b) At Akasha's feet.
(c) At Akasha's right hand.
(d) In Armand's lap.

8. Why do the people of Mount Carmel eat their dead?
(a) They have a taste for the tender flesh of relatives.
(b) A neighboring tribe forces them to become cannibals.
(c) There is a famine in the countryside and people are starving.
(d) So the flesh of the dead would not rot and their souls could flourish.

9. Why is Marius so anxious to see Armando?
(a) Armando has taken another lover and Marius wants to berate him.
(b) Marius loves him and makes Armando a vampire to preserve him forever.
(c) Armando borrowed a fortune from Marius in another century, and never repaid it.
(d) Marius believes Armando has the power to bring back Marius' youth.

10. What is the threat made against Akasha by one of the twins?
(a) Vast Egyptian armies will surround Akasha with fire, so she will die slowly.
(b) She will strike Akasha down, even if it means rising from the dead.
(c) Akasha's heart will be set afire and eaten, creating a dessert called baked Akasha.
(d) A man named Dracula will drive a stake through Akasha's heart, killing her.

11. What does Marahet say about Akasha?
(a) "We are damned if we do kill her and damned if we don't."
(b) "She is the Queen of the Damned and the Damned can't live without her."
(c) "She has a vicious temper, but she loves us all as her children."
(d) "My loyalty is to the Queen and the rest of you are damned."

12. What secret does Khayman keep from the King and Queen after the twins return home?
(a) The evil spirit Amel was tormenting him, disrupting his home and stealing things.
(b) That a band of spirits would help him flee Egypt.
(c) He knew the location of a tomb holding vast golden treasures.
(d) That Mahareta had born his child.

13. What has Maharet been doing during the vampire catastrophes?
(a) She has been hiding in her tomb to escape destruction.
(b) She has been searching for her sister, Mekare.
(c) She has been preparing the compound for guests, knowing they would arrive soon.
(d) She has been consumed with protecting Jesse.

14. Where do Lestat and Akasha go after putting their plan into effect in Greece?
(a) Paris.
(b) San Francisco
(c) Haiti.
(d) Buenos Aires.

15. What does Maharet reveal to the gathering?
(a) That Akasha is, in fact, her twin.
(b) That she, Maharet, has been sending the dreams.
(c) She tells them her twin is alive, though her whereabouts are unknown.
(d) She says she has found the body of her sister in the jungle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lestat imbibing when he is with Akasha that gives him power and pleasure?

2. What is Lestat's reaction to the vision of Baby Jenks dying?

3. What is the reaction of Akasha and Enkil to their transformation?

4. What does Lestat do at Akasha's command and under the influence of her blood?

5. What does the spirit Amel give to Akasha?

(see the answer keys)

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