Q Clearance Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Josef Mengele?
(a) President of the Honduras
(b) The pasha of Banda's right hand man.
(c) The Angel of Death from Auschwitz.
(d) Pyms direct contact after Teal.

2. What college is the President's nephew applying for?
(a) Yale.
(b) Princeton.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Amherst.

3. What question does Epstein have for Burnham after the President leaves?
(a) "When will you move your office to the West Wing?"
(b) "How did you solve that boat crises?"
(c) "Who are you?"
(d) "How much do you know about atomic secrets?"

4. What does the word "Adit" mean?
(a) Horse barn.
(b) Guard house.
(c) Mine entrance.
(d) Mime show.

5. When asked by a member of the press about the spy scandal, what does the President say?
(a) That he was shocked at Burnham's betrayal.
(b) That he knew all along that Burnham was a spy.
(c) That Burnham will be caught and brought to justice.
(d) That the Soviet Union was way out of line.

6. Does the President say what happens to Burnham?
(a) He was shot.
(b) He says it is nobody's business.
(c) He was deported.
(d) He is under investigation.

7. How does Burnham get the door off the locked closet in Epstein's office?
(a) With a knife.
(b) With his belt.
(c) With a hammer.
(d) With a screw driver.

8. What country is the President being pressured to invade?
(a) Honduras.
(b) Cuba.
(c) Nicaragua.
(d) Chile.

9. What does Burnham take from the locked closet in Epstein's office?
(a) A Gucci bag.
(b) A typewriter.
(c) Tapes.
(d) Office supplies.

10. Who does Burnham want to call after he found his new office?
(a) Christopher.
(b) Eva.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Derry.

11. What choice does Burnham have about Eva?
(a) Become a spy or she would stop seeing him.
(b) Tell Sarah about her or lose custody of his children.
(c) Stop seeing her or have her investigated by the FBI.
(d) Give her Dyanna's job ar she would stop seeing him.

12. What are Hal, Eva and Burnham waiting for while they are eating Chinese food?
(a) The Presidential news conference.
(b) Pym to contact them.
(c) The FBI to find them.
(d) The Soviet Embassy to grant them asylum.

13. What does Dr. Johnson say about Patriotism?
(a) Its the last refuge of a scoundrel.
(b) Its the source of all comfort.
(c) Its the best way for a country to survive.
(d) Its the nobel life of the people.

14. Where does Eva and Burnham run to?
(a) The Y.
(b) Eva's apartment.
(c) The train station
(d) The airport.

15. When, according to the President, did the soviets call ABC?
(a) When Pym went missing.
(b) When they found out the material was bogus.
(c) When Burnham started dating Eva.
(d) When Mengele was arrested.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Burnham get Toddy to speak with him?

2. How does Pym get in to the crowded bar?

3. What does Dyanna learn from Connie and Dolores?

4. What does Eva want to do once she got home?

5. What gift has the President offered Burnham?

(see the answer keys)

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