Q Clearance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has Burnham been married to Sarah?
(a) Twenty five years.
(b) Twenty years.
(c) Fifteen years.
(d) Eighteen years.

2. What does Mr. Renfro bring to Burnham's office?
(a) Orders for a new office.
(b) Burnham's new pass for his "Q" clearance.
(c) A POTUS phone.
(d) A document shredder.

3. Why does Mr. Joslin think Ivy Peniston would want to go back to Bermuda?
(a) The climate and the flowers.
(b) Because Jerome failed typing.
(c) So she could find a new husband.
(d) He believes all immigrants should return to their land of origin.

4. What does Burnham find out about the pasha of Banda?
(a) That he was a murderous dictator.
(b) That he was gravely ill.
(c) That he couldn't speak English.
(d) That he owed millions of dollars to the World Bank.

5. What is stapled to the door of Derry's room?
(a) A poster of Arthur Scargill.
(b) A poster of Carl Marx.
(c) A poster of Che Guevera.
(d) A poster of Lenin.

6. Why is Pym giving Ivy the Percodan?
(a) His insurance covers pain killers.
(b) To get her hooked.
(c) To relieve her pain.
(d) She can sell them for extra cash.

7. What are Burnham's parting words to Epstein as he is leaving the Mess?
(a) "Where did you get your suit?"
(b) "It is an honor to meet you"
(c) "What time is our meeting this morning?"
(d) "What about you? Do you work here?"

8. After he confronts Epstein in the Mess, why does Burnham feel terrific?
(a) He felt well taken care of by Cobb.
(b) He was honored to be writing the speech for the President.
(c) He had become an actor instead of a reactor.
(d) He was starting to feel better about his personal problems.

9. Where does Ivy Peniston get the idea that Jerome could cheat on his typing test?
(a) The typing teacher was a close freind of hers.
(b) Jerome had mentioned it to her.
(c) From a boy on the steps of the school.
(d) She read about it in the newspaper.

10. Whose speech does Burnham hear while at college in 1960?
(a) Fidel Castro.
(b) Mao Tse-tung.
(c) Che Guevera.
(d) McGeorge Bundy.

11. What do members of the White House staff think about being assigned to the E.O.B. ?
(a) It was to close to the Vice Presidental Offices.
(b) It was exile.
(c) It was a great promotion.
(d) It had a great cafeteria.

12. Why does Pym choose Nebraska as a biographical core for his American identity?
(a) The Nebraska accent.
(b) His superiors had instructed him to use Nebraska for this purpose.
(c) Nebraska reminded him of his homeland.
(d) He wasn't familiar with any other states.

13. How does Burnham describe the task he is working on as the story begins?
(a) It is going to be a masterpiece when he is finished.
(b) It is a struggle between Church and State.
(c) It is a waste of his time and talent.
(d) It is an easy task that he hopes to finish quickly.

14. Why is Burnham getting "Q" Clearance?
(a) The President awards it to his favorite staff members.
(b) He has applied for it in order to advance his career.
(c) He needs it in order to continue working as writer for the President.
(d) He has worked for the department for nine years and it is automatic at that point.

15. What had Light Colonel Clip Dixon done to get demoted?
(a) His flights were consistantly behind schedule.
(b) He had shown up for work drunk.
(c) He had almost crashed Air Force One.
(d) He had repeated something the President had said to him in private.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of information will Burnham have access to with "Q" status?

2. What does Ivy bring Mr Pym?

3. How does Eva know so much about vitamins?

4. What sort of whale oil is an effective lubricant for the trigger devices of a hydrogen bomb?

5. Who does the fellow who claimed to have an appointment with the President, take his orders from?

(see the answer keys)

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