Q Clearance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After he confronts Epstein in the Mess, why does Burnham feel terrific?
(a) He felt well taken care of by Cobb.
(b) He was honored to be writing the speech for the President.
(c) He had become an actor instead of a reactor.
(d) He was starting to feel better about his personal problems.

2. Why does Burnham feel that no planes should fly over Georgetown?
(a) He was worried about air pollution.
(b) Georgetown looked like a slum from the air.
(c) He disliked the noise.
(d) The property prices went down because of planes flying over.

3. What are Burnham's parting words to Epstein as he is leaving the Mess?
(a) "Where did you get your suit?"
(b) "It is an honor to meet you"
(c) "What about you? Do you work here?"
(d) "What time is our meeting this morning?"

4. Who can call on a POTUS phone?
(a) The President of The United States.
(b) The Washington DC police.
(c) The CIA.
(d) The Soviet Ambassador.

5. What does Eva notice about Burnham?
(a) He had food allergies.
(b) He had a good job.
(c) He was handsome.
(d) He had no smell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal does Burnham compare Dyanna to?

2. What does Eva want to do once she got home?

3. What sort of meal is Pym preparing as he speaks with Eva?

4. Why does Ivy Peniston argue that Jerome could graduate despite failing typing?

5. Why is Mr. Pym interested in Ivy?

(see the answer key)

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