Q Clearance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Q Clearance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Peter Benchley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Burnham's wife, Sarah, says that Derry's pubescent radicalism was due to what?
(a) A healthy superego.
(b) Burnham's decision to work for the President.
(c) Sarah's lack of time to spend with Derry.
(d) Her disdain of rock stars.

2. Why does Ivy Peniston believe Mr. Joslin should bend the rules for Jerome?
(a) Because he is the kind of person America should want to help.
(b) She is offering Mr. Joslin money for the favor.
(c) She will go to the press with the story if he will not help her.
(d) She knows Mr. Joslin bends the rules all the time.

3. Who does Sarah work for?
(a) Dick Cavett.
(b) Ted Kennedy.
(c) Warren Beatty.
(d) Department of Justice.

4. How does Eva know so much about vitamins?
(a) She took a lot of vitamins herself.
(b) She helped her father with his vitamins.
(c) She studied nutrition in school.
(d) From one of her Greenpeace colleagues.

5. Why is Pym giving Ivy the Percodan?
(a) To get her hooked.
(b) She can sell them for extra cash.
(c) His insurance covers pain killers.
(d) To relieve her pain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Pym choose Nebraska as a biographical core for his American identity?

2. Why does Ivy Peniston argue that Jerome could graduate despite failing typing?

3. Who can call on a POTUS phone?

4. How does Ivy get a closer look at Burnham's calendar?

5. Why will Mr. Joslin not bend the rules for Jerome?

(see the answer key)

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